Chapter 9

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Sam's POV

"what" I responded

"We have to go out and do some exploring. I found this one place. It's an abandoned lighthouse. It has also been said that it is haunted." Colby said

"Yeah that sounds like fun," I said to him

"Do you want to go now?" he said "

"Sure, but first let me leave a note for Kat saying where we went," I said

"Okay," combat said while getting. His shoes on

"Um Dad, uncle Colby," Abby said

"Wait did you just call me uncle?" Colby asked Abby

"Yeah, is that okay," she asked him back

"Yeah it just surprised me at first," Colby said back.

"Um can I go with you," she asked both of us.

"What do you think Sam can she come along"

"Yeah, she can come as long as she wears some good tennis shoes," I said back

"Yay ok dad" Abby told me with so much glee.

She got her shoes on and we left. When we got there it was really old looking and it looked pretty broken. We got out and Colby grabbed the camera and I grabbed the bag.

"What's the camera for?" Abby asked Colby. It's for your dad and I's channel Called Sam and Colby." He responded

"Oh okay," she said back and we went on our trip

Abby's POV

I was so happy to go exploring with my dad and Colby. It was going to be so much fun. The first thing we did when we got there was film an intro to the video. After that, we got to explore. we entered the lighthouse but, it was locked.

Abby's POV

"Dang it, we can't get in," Sam said

"Or can we," Colby said looking at the wall than a window high up

"Oh no Colby Abby can't climb that," Sam said

I went over to the wall while they were arguing about how we could get in. I started to climb. I put my foot in a hole and pushed my self up. I was doing it I was climbing! I reached the window then looked back at them. They were still arguing

"Hey guys I found a way in," I said

They both looked at me Colby had that "I told you so" look on his face while Sam looked a little scared.

"Please don't fall because your Mom would kill me," he said to me

"I won't now come on slowpokes," I said to them. I made them laugh. I climbed through the window while they were climbing.

"It's really dusty in here," I said to them while starting to cough. By then they were inside too.

"here put this on," My Dad said while handing me a mask. then he pulled on out for him and Colby. We put them on Colby turned the camera back on. I was a little scared of the camera so I didn't talk much. I think Sam could tell because when we were walking up a long staircase and Colby was explaining the story about the lighthouse, he was starting to walk slower and when I caught up to him he said

"Hey are you alright?" he asked

"Yeah I'm fine," I told him

"Is it the camera" he whispered not letting the camera hear us.

I nodded my head yes

"okay you don't really have to talk like Colby and  I  do but if you hear or see something please let us know okay," He said

"Okay," I said back to him

When we got to the top it was a little scary. There were holes in the floor and in the roof

"Where should we put the xplr sticker Sam", Colby asked

"how about right here" Sam pointed out

"Yeah that's a great spot", Colby said

"Yeah so do I", I said

"How about we let Abby put up the sticker", Colby said

"Yeah," Sam said

Colby handed me the sticker. Sam picked me up and put me on his shoulders, then I put the sticker on the wall. Sam turned around and Colby pointed the camera at us

"Our first concord place with Abby!' Colby yelled happily

"Woohoo" Sam shouted while I was still sitting on his shoulders. I just laughed

"Yay," I said to the camera

I got off of Sam's shoulders and we started to go downstairs when it hit me. I felt something really hot touch my leg.

"Ow" I yelled

As soon as that word came out of my mouth Sam asked what's wrong

"Abby what wrong," Sam said

"I felt something hot grab my leg," I said while looking down at it

there was a red mark on my leg. it looked like a big hand print Sam looked at it and Colby brought the camera over to take a look at it.

"This is no joke you guys," Colby said

"Come on let's get out of here," Sam said

"Can you walk?" Colby asked

"Yeah, I can it just burns," I said.

"Okay let's get going," Sam said

"Um you guys don't you remember we have to climb down," I said to them

"Oh crap yeah," Colby said

"Come on let's just go," Sam said

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