Chapter 11

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Sam's POV

As soon as Kat took me to our room I knew I was in trouble

"Sam what the heck is on her leg!" Kat started to yell at me

"When we were exploring the haunted" I started but then caught cut off

"You took our daughter to a haunted lighthouse" She yelled at me

"She wanted to come" Now I was yelling at her

"So what happened to her" She yelled

"Something grabbed her leg" I yelled back

"But why didn't you call me about it then" She screamed

"I left my phone at home Kat" I yelled now I raised my voice even louder

"Colby's phone!" she yelled back

"Well I'm sorry we were going to be home soon" I hollered

"Well why didn't you tell me when you got home" She yelled

Then we both heard a scream. it was Abby. We ran downstairs as fast as we could. She was on the floor. she was breathing really hard and looked extremely pale.

"I think she is having an anxiety attack," Kat said completely forgetting everything of what just happened.

we didn't know what to do. I yelled for Colby. but it was a bloody Mary yell. He bolted down the stairs.

"what's the matter"

"She is having an anxiety attack," Kat said with a quiver in her voice

"Go get some water," I told Colby he ran to the kitchen and got a bowl of water.

By now Devyn Corey and Aaron came down Jake was out of the house so he didn't come.

"Abby just passed out Sam!" Kat was yelling

Corey ran to his phone and called 911

"Colby get a towel," I said

I grabbed the towel from Colby I got it wet and put it on Abby's forehead

"Sam she is hyperventilating now," Kat said

"I can see that Kat"

Corey did you call 911!" Devyn said while freaking out

"Yes I did they are on their way"

Corey waited outside for the ambulance

"They're here" Corey yelled. Devyn went outside because she didn't want to be inside with all the commotion same with Kat and Colby. I stayed inside. has been five minutes since she has passed out. Oh please don't die, Abby. I thought to myself. Now I started crying. I haven't cried like this since Colby had "died". About four minutes later Abby had woken up. She sat up and looked at me. I hugged her. The people packed up their stuff and left. When they left the door everyone else came in. Kat came in first she ran up to us and we had a long group hug until I broke away to let them have some alone time. A little while later Devyn came up and gave her a hug. 

"Are you okay Abby?" Kat asked

"Yes I am now," She said

"Dang I haven't seen Sam cry like that that since the Sam Pepper prank," Colby said

"Dude," I said

"Sorry but it's true," Colby said

Abby Kat and I all went upstairs and into Mine and Kat's room.

"What made you have an attack," Kat asked

"well I could hear you two yelling at each other and it reminded me of my birth parent because they would always fight as that" Abby said

We got talking a little bit more about what happened. Later Kat took Abby shopping so I edited the Sam and Colby video.

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