Chapter 13

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Kat's POV

We went down the hall to Abby's room.

"what's so funny," Sam said to her.

"She showed us the video she was watching. It was the music video that Sam and I made called Take a look at my boyfriend. We both laughed to. We haven't seen that video since we released it.

*Time Skip*

It was later that night when I heard the piano playing. I went downstairs and it was Abby, she was really good then she started singing

I just stood there in shock of what I just heard. Abby turned around and saw me standing there. She blushed in embarrassment.

"That was really good Abby," I said to her

"Really?" she said

"Yes," I told her

We talked for a little bit then I went upstairs. Sam was almost done editing his video. I walked over to him. I rested my chin on his shoulder.

"How much longer" I complained to him

"Well I have to post this tomorrow, so I have to finish all the finishing touches," He said

"That still doesn't answer my question," I said

"About five minutes okay," He said

"Okay," I told him

a few minutes had passed and I looked at Sam

"Done," He said pushing his chair away from the desk he turned his chair towards me. He got up and plopped on the bed next to me. He went face first onto the bed smacking his face on the bed. he rolled over and looked at me

"I'm sorry that I was editing all day Kat," He said to me

"It's okay," I told him

"No it's not Kat, I have been editing all day and haven't done anything with you or Abby," He said

"Yes it is Sam, You doing YouTube is what helps get money so we can pay our bills and stuff. So if you have to be editing all day to be making really good quality videos then you have to do that Sam, but it is fine" I said to him

"But I feel bad Kat," He said

"It's fine," I said to him as I put down my phone

"Are you sure?" He said to me

"Yes," I said to him

"Alright Kat," He said

I looked at my phone to see what time it was it was 12:37. Sam grabbed his laptop so we could watch some YouTube videos like we always do when Sam is done editing. We had finished a few videos when Abby came to the door.

"Hey can I go to the store with Colby," She asked

Sam looked at me then back at Abby

"Sure why not," Sam said to her

She smiled then walked downstairs. A few minutes had passed and Colby hadn't come out of his room so Sam got up and went to see what was taking him so long.

Sam's POV

It had been a long time and Colby hadn't come out yet so I went to see what was taking him so long.

"Hey, Colby what's taking you so long," I asked him as I walked into his room.

"Sorry," Colby said as he put down his phone and the smile on his face went away

"Who were you texting?" I asked him

"I wasn't texting anybody," he said trying to cover something up

"Come on Colby you can tell me, I have been your best friend since freshman year"

"Do you promise not to tell"

"Yes Colby I promise"

Then we heard a gunshot followed by a girl's scream

"Abby!" we yelled both yelled

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