Chapter 29

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Katrina's POV

I woke up that morning and got ready very quickly. I didn't do anything to my hair and I didn't put any makeup on. I went into Abby's room and got her ready as well. We got a quick breakfast. We go into the car and went to My friend's house to get ready. It was pretty early so Abby ended up falling asleep on the car ride here. When we arrived I grabbed Abby out of the car and Carried her inside.

"Hey, Victoria," I said quietly

I walked over and set Abby down on the couch. We waited for Devyn to arrive. When she got here we started getting me ready. Devyn had brought over my dress so we had gotten that out of the way. Devyn worked on my makeup and Victoria worked on my hair. My makeup was a natural clean look but it was pretty. Devyn did put a small bit of a silver metallic eyeshadow on my eyes. My hair was down and in very crisp curls. Some of my higher hair was put into a braided bun on the back of my head She also added a few tiny white roses into my bun. I didn't put my dress on quite yet. I walked over to the room Abby was in. She looked at me and stared with awe.

"Do you like it?" I asked her

She giggled and nodded her head yes. I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the bathroom to get her ready as well. Victoria curled her hair as well but she left all of it down. Victoria had made Abby a little white roses flower crown for her to wear. Devyn had laced some white flowers around the headband part of my vail just to add some decoration.

Sam's POV

I woke up that morning to find both Katrina and Abby gone. They must have gone to get ready. I got out of bed and walked over to Colby's room. He was awake and scrolling through his Instagram feed.

"You okay form the other night?"I asked him

"Yeah, I think so." He said back

"That's good," I told him

"You should start getting ready," He said

"Okay. You, Corey and Devyn, are going to get the place set up right?" I asked him,

"Yeah we got it, See ya," he said

"Bye," I said as I walked out of the door.

Okay, here we go. Four more hours to go.

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