Chapter 2

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Abigail's POV

I was sitting in a window looking outside wishing I could go out and explore. Then a girl with black hair and tan skin came up to me she had tapped my shoulder, she startled me

"Sorry," she said

It's okay I wrote

"How would you like to get adopted," she asked

I knew I didn't really have a choice so I just nodded my head yes. Then a man with blonde hair blue eyes and pale skin came up to me. He introduced himself

"Hi I'm Sam and this is my girlfriend Kat," he said

I politely waved hello to him

"How about you go upstairs and pack"

I wrote down that there was no need to because I hardly ever unpack

"Okay well let's go get your bags then," he said

I quickly went upstairs and grabbed my two bags then went downstairs. Sam had grabbed my bags and took them to the car while Kat was finishing up signing what she had to sign. Then When he came back in Kat had finished signing the papers and we were ready to go. We walked out they had grabbed my hands and we walked to the car. For the first time ever I felt loved and safe, but I still can't be sure to trust them yet. In the car, Kat had asked a few questions like if I had a phone and I said no a few minutes later she asked me another question.

" Abigail this is really important but do you have any medical problems?" she had asked very concernedly

I started to write no but then I wrote yes. I had written a little about my anxiety. Kat asks if it was anything to be worried about. but I shook my head no. almost 5 minutes later We were at the airport I asked them where they lived on paper.

"We live in L.A" she responded.

We took my bags out of the car and walked inside we sat down and waited for our flight. Kat left to go get some gum for us. a little bit after she left Sam had started to speak

"I know that there is a lot about your past that we don't know, but I'll tell you what we do know we know you have a past with your birth parents and we don't know the specifics of that, we do know that you have a love for drawing, playing the piano and writing and you are very good in all, but other than that we don't know anything about you. I know this might sound weird to say but we are your new mom and dad so take your time warming up to us, but just know that we are here for you whenever you need us and we will make time for you. We will never judge you or be mean to you in any way. We will always love you because you are our daughter. you sound like an amazing person and really fun. We want to give you the best life we can give you. We want you to grow up being happy, having fun and making memories. We love you even though you have only been our daughter for a little bit.

I was just shocked at what he said and I did something that shocked the both of us I pulled him into a tight hug then cried on his shoulder. a few minutes later Kat came back then we boarded our flight. The flight was only about two hours long

"Oh crap," Sam said

I asked him what's wrong on the paper

"Well I forgot to tell you that we live with five other roommates but don't worry they are really nice," Sam said with a smile.

Okay 。◕‿◕。 I wrote

The next thing I knew was Kat waking me up is the car.

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