Chapter 25

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Sam's POV

We woke up the next morning pretty late. I let Katrina sleep a little longer. I walked out of my bedroom and walked over to Abby's room. She was still asleep. I walk over to her and sit on the end of her bed. She rolled over and woke up.

"Good morning sleepy head," I said in a quiet voice

"morning," She said while stretching. 

I kissed her on the forehead and picked her up. I walked back into our room and set her down on the bed. She crawled under the blankets and curled up with Kat. I smiled to my self then took the footage from the camera of last night. Last night. I took out the SD card and plugged it into the computer. I put the footage into a very good video and got it ready to post it.

 I walked into the bathroom to find Colby passed on the floor. His eyes were red and puffy. He had tear stains on his cheeks. His phone was in his hands. His phone kept lighting up with the name Alexis. I looked back at Colby and he had a small blade in his hand. 

"Colby?" I said quietly

He stirred awake and looked at me

"Crap, Sam, I-I-I can explain,"

I bent down and looked at his arms. 

" WHAT THE HECK COLBY! Why did you do this again!" I yelled but not loud enough for the girls to hear. 

He started crying again. 

"It was her," 

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