Chapter 34

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Sam's POV

we opened the door and Colby let Mochi run out of the film room to us. Abby screamed with excitement. She got down on the ground and was greeted with many kisses. We could tell that it was a good choice to get her. 

"What's her name?" She asked us

"Her name is Mochi, It a type of ice cream," Katrina told her

"Speaking of Mochi..." Kat said while turning to look at me

"No, I am not doing any more running around town okay," I said

Then they both gave me puppy dog eyes. 

"Fine," I said giving in

"I'll go get Mochi," I said as I walked out the door

When I got back home we all filmed a new house tour for our channels. We even introduced our dog Mochi. It was really amusing. We Then watched a movie and went to bed. 

The next day

Sam's POV

Katrina got Abby ready for school. We got her dressed and we went to Mcdonalds for breakfast. We got an order for Colby. We would have taken him but he was sleeping and he wouldn't wake up. We dropped her off at school. When we got home we home the front door was open. We went inside and tried to find Mochi to see if she had gotten out. We couldn't find her. 

"Colby!" I yelled

"What?" He said as he came out of his room

"Where's Mochi?" We asked starting to panic 

"I don't know," He said

"Well, she's not here!" I said really panicking now.  

"Well let's go look for her" Kat said

We looked everywhere, We looked at the neighbor's house, the backyard, and even around downtown. We couldn't find her. As we were in the car Colby started laughing 

"What are you laughing at?" I asked him

"Dude, It's a prank," He said

"Then where's my dog?" I asked him annoyedly 

"She'sat Luke's house, I got him to help me," 

"Oh my god, Colby! Don't do this to me!" I yelled at him 

He just laughed and brought the camera up to my face. We went to Luke's house and there she was. Playing with their cat Pickles. We brought her home and ended the prank

"Welcome to the prank wars!" Colby yelled

"Oh my gosh Colby," I said 

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