Chapter 12

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Kat's POV

I took Abby shopping at forever 21. I was freaking out about every cute thing I saw. Abby just laughed at me after I had said this is cute about every little thing I had seen. Who walked around the store for a few hours. then we left and went

to another store. we were walking around we had got a few things until I went out this one part of the store. Abby froze in her tracks

" what's wrong Abby?" I asked her

" can we leave now," she said worriedly

" why?" I asked her was concerned

"I'll tell you after we leave this part of the store," she said back

there was a man roughly about the same height as Sam brown hair and looked a lot like someone I knew, but I couldn't figure out who. He turns around and looked at us then. he looked at Abby. he gave her this stare. Abby looked at me she wanted to leave. He started to walk up to us. He walked right past me and up to Abby.

" Hi Abby," he said to her

she politely waved back to him. She looked at me Then she ran away. I just figured that that was her birth father. I ran after her. she ended up running outside into the car. quickly purchase the items we had picked out then ran to the car after her.

"Who was that," I asked her

"That was my birth father," she said

We sat in silence for a few minutes

"Can we just go home?" she said

"Sure," I told her as I turned the keys to start the car. We got home. Abby grabbed her bag and went up to her room and I grabbed mine.

"Hey baby I'm home," I said to Sam as I walked in the door of our room.

Hey babe" he said

I set my bags down and walked over to him. He was editing his video of the lighthouse. I hugged him that around his shoulders. As I crossed my hands when I hugged him he put his hand over mine without breaking his gaze to his computer. I watched him as he went back over some parts of the video.

"We ran Into Abby's birth dad

"You what," he said turning away from his work to face me

"We ran into Abby's birth dad, " I said

"What happened," he asked

"she ran away from him"

"Is she okay?" He asked

" I'm not sure, " I said to him

He got up and probably went to Abby's room. A few minutes later he came back and went back to editing. I sat down on the bed and got in my phone. I got in Instagram and looked at the comments about the photo I posted of me and Abby.

"I wouldn't look at the comments if I were you," Sam said not looking up from his work.

"How did you know that's what I was doing," I asked him

"Cause I do," he said back

"But why can't I look at the comments then," I said

"I already did and trust me you don't want to"

"But why"

He stopped working

"They are really mean and bad," he said

"Please don't read them, Kat"

"Okay I won't," I said.

Then we both heard laughing from down the hall. 

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