Chapter 7

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Sam's POV

I went to the door. It was my mom.

"Hi mom," I said

"Hello Samuel," my mother said with so much excitement

"Now where's my granddaughter," she asked

Abby appeared around the corner.

"There she is" my mother exclaimed

She ran over to Abby and gave her a huge hug. I could tell Abby was uncomfortable cause she wasn't talking.

" now what's your name little girl," she asked Abby

Kat could tell what I was thinking so she answered for me and Abby

"Her name is Abigail" Kat stepped in

"I was asking Her not you Kat," my mom said to Kat

I love my mom but she isn't always the nicest.

"How old are you Abigail," my mom asked her

Then I stepped in

"She's 11 mom," I told her trying to help Abby

" Samuel Golbach I am not asking oh now stop interrupting" she snapped at me

I stepped then Abby looked At me with fear on her face I mouthed the words "go to your room if you need" then she ran to her room.

"What the heck" my mother questioned

"She's shy," Kat said trying not to set her off cause we could all tell she was mad.

" I didn't fly all the way out here to just not meet her" my mother exclaimed

Then she stormed upstairs

Then the words slipped out of my mouth.

"Mom she's mute! " I screamed

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me mister" she said while she raised her voice

"Well, you got mad at us for answering when she can't answer she's mute!" I said still yelling

"Well why did you adopt her then if she's mute"

"Because we love her," I said to her

"Well then Samuel Golbach why don't you give her back to the orphanage," she said

"Because she's our daughter," I said starting to yell at her again.

"Well I am your mother and you listen to me. You will return her and get a daughter that can speak you hear me" she yelled so loud that Abby could problem hear her. This is what I was hoping a while wouldn't say. I just stared at her, then I saw Abby standing on the staircase. She hadn't gone upstairs. She heard my mom say that because she had silent tears rolling down her face. I turned to Katrina and jerked my head to the stairs and then I moved my head upwards Kat knew what I was saying cause she ran to the stairs to comfort Abby. Then I looked at my mom.

"You can not make me return my own daughter because she is mute. Kat and I love her so much and that's all that matters" I told her

"Whatever I'm going home" she yelled.

"Fine" I yelled.

She left the house and a few seconds later I started to cry. Then I felt two similar pairs of arms around me. It was Kat and Abby. I looked at them and then  Abby asked me a question

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