Chapter 16

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Sam's POV

We woke up the next morning and went to the hospital. We went into Abby's room. She was getting all checked out and being checked that she could leave. She was okay to leave. After that, we left the hospital and got some food. We ate and went home. We spent the whole day together around the house because Abby is on crutches. We played games, watched movies, and played with the dogs. Aby had gone to bed and me and Kat were in our room. I was on my phone when 

"Hey Sam," Katrina said

"What's up," I said back

"So you know how we're all moving out of this house soon," She said


"Well, I was wondering, where are we going to move to?" Kat asked

"Actually. I don't know" I said back

"Well do you want to move far or stay here?"

 "Well we have to stay close to Colby for the Sam and Colby channel," I said

"Do we know where Colby is moving to?" I asked

"No, but I can ask him. I know he is still awake," I said to her

"Yeah, you should ask," She said 


Sam: Hey Colby r u awake?

Colby: Yeh why?

Sam: Me and Kat have to ask you something

Colby: ok 

Sam: So when we all have to move, where are we going to move too?

Colby: actually idk 

Sam: k I'll brb 

Colby: k 

"He said he doesn't know yet," I told her

"Well one of my friends live in Michigan and she said there are a few houses there that are pretty cheap," Kat said

"Okay, I'll tell him that. 

Sam: Hey Kat says she found us a place somewhere in Michigan

Colby:  Nice

Sam: Yah

Colby: So when are we moving?

Sam: In like a month or two

Colby: alright

I told Kat what Colby said. We made a plan to go to Michigan and find a house. We decided to just buy a house that can fit all four of us. we thought that would be the easiest. So it was official. We would be moving to Michigan in a few months. 

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