Chapter 5

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Sam's POV 

"Dude wake up!" I whisper yelled

"Why?" he asked

"Cause we have to talk.

I had told him about what happened with Abby. He looked at me with a conceded look on his face.

A little bit later it was around 9:00 in the morning

I went and checked on Abby, she was still asleep. I decided to wake her up so she could get some breakfast in her

" hey wake up" I said softly

She woke as soon as I said that. Come on let's go get some food.

"Where do you want to go," I asked her

"Um I don't know what's around here, but where you ever you want to go" she responded

"OK let's go to IHop."

She nodded yes and then I left so she could get dressed. She came out In a cami shirt and some shorts I was going to say something but then she did.

"I know this outfit is a little showing but the rest of my clothes are Dirty so this is all I have that is clean," she said still sounding tired

"Okay," I told her

We got into the car then we left. We ate our breakfast then we went back home. when we go home Abby went upstairs to her room and I called Kat to tell her about what happened with Abby Me and Kat was almost done talking but then I got another phone call. It was my mom. I told Kat I would call her back in a few minutes. I picked up my call with my mom.

"Hey mom"

"Hi Sam just to let you know I will be at your house tomorrow okay"

"Okay mom sounds good"

Crap I thought to myself I completely forgot about my Mom coming to out meet Abby, even though Abby talked to me, it was only out her being scared for her life. A few minutes after me dazing off, I got a text message. It was from Kat she said that she would be home in about five minutes. I replied to her. I went upstairs for a test. I wanted to see if Abby is still going to talk to me. I got into the doorway of her room she is sitting down on her bed reading a book.

"Hey, Abby what are you doing?" I asked for the test

"Just reading a book Dad," Abby said back without hesitation

As she said the word Dad, I was the happiest person alive. She is calling me Dad now!

"Oh, Okay well your Mom is going to be home any minute now," I said back still in shock

"Okay" She replied

I went back downstairs and Kat walked in the door

"Oh, Kat baby I have really good news for you to hear!" I said with so much excitement

"Okay Samuel, but can it wait for five minutes? I just got home" Kat said annoyingly.

"Come on!" I said as I dragged Kat up the stairs to Abby's room

"Hi Mom, How was work?"

Kat stood there in shock in what she just heard.

"Is this what you were showing me, Sam?" Kat asked

"Yep now do you see why it couldn't wait baby," I told her with glee

"Yes!" She screamed

Kat ran over to Abby and gave her a really big hug. Kat went to our room and changed. Then the three of us all sat in Abby's room. We asked her a few questions like what made her want to talk. Then I told Abby to explain what happened to her with The Midnight Man to Katrina. It looked like Abby was having a flashback to what had happened. I look at Katrina and jerked my head to Abby. Then I and Kat sat on her bed and we both hugged her. We stayed there for a while until we heard a loud knock on the door downstairs on the main door.

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