Chapter 20

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Sam's POV

Colby and I got into the car and head to the store. Colby and I were talking about stuff like how am I going to propose and when and how are we going to get it on video.we were talking about it the whole way.  We looked at three different stores. Before I found the right one. 

"Dude look at this one," I said while pointing at it.

It was a gold ring and it was very shiny. It had three diamonds on it as well. The stones were al in aline and the middle stone was the biggest. It was a very elegant ring.

"Holy wow!! that is really pretty," Colby said

"It has three stones in it," I told him

"Ooo you should use that in your speech or something like that," Colby said

"Yeah like, one stone for my best friend, one for my love, and one for being my child's mother" 

"Yeah that's good," Colby said

I bought that ring with a velvet navy blue ring box and we took it home. I walked into Abby's room to make sure they weren't home yet. They weren't. I walked into my room and looked for a very well hidden spot for the ring. I found one in the drawer under the top part of my desk. I didn't even know it was there until last week so I'm sure she doesn't know it's there. I decided to show Corey and Devyn the ring. I walked over to their door and knocked. 

"Come in" I heard Corey say

I walked in their room and sat down on Corey's Computer chair

"What's up?" Corey asked me while he sat on the foot of his bed. 

"I wanted to get your guys' input of this," I said as I showed them the ring 

"Oh my goodness!!," Corey yelled 

"That is so pretty," Devyn commented

"Wait, does this mean..." Corey started

I nodded

Corey started smiling and looked at Devyn She got the hint of it

"Oh my gosh, you're proposing to Katrina?!" Devyn exclaimed 

I nodded again. 

They just screamed in a high pitched girly way. I just laughed at them and walked out.

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