Chapter 22

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*Time skip a few days* 

Sam's POV

I woke up to Katrina cuddled up against me. She was so pretty. Today was the day of Kat and mine's four-year anniversary. I can't believe it's been four years since I asked this weirdo to be my girlfriend. Now I'm going to ask her to be my wife. I twisted and played with her hair calmly and waited for her to wake up. She rolled over to face me and opened her eyes,

"Good morning," She said softly

"Good morning babe," I said to her "Happy four-year anniversary" 

"Happy four-year," She said 

I leaned in and kissed her on the lips. I kissed her with tons of passion than I have before. 

"Come on, get dressed, I have made some really great plans for the day," I told her

"What should I wear?" She asked

"honestly, Were just going to IHop, so wear whatever," I said

"Okay," she said 

Kat got up and got dressed. As she was getting ready I texted Colby and Jake to ask them if they could "babysit" Abby for the day. 

"What about Abby?" Katrina asked

"I have that taken care of. Colby and Jake are watching her for the day," I told her. 

"Okay," We walked downstairs to find Abby laying down next to Jake on the beanbag chair half asleep while watching Corey and Aaron playing Fortnite  

"Oh my fig newton god" Corey yelled

"Dude!" I yelled back at him, then I jerked my head towards Abby

"Sorry," he said

I walked over to Abby and told her that we were going to be put for the day, she nodded her head very slowly as her eyes fluttered to stay open. We then left the house and as soon as I stepped foot out of that house. My nerves skyrocketed through the roof.  

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