Thanksgiving Special!

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Before this chapter starts, Enjoy your Thanksgiving! I'm pretty much thankful to be writing these fanfics for all of you and some of you have complemented me and I really appreciate it. Happy Thanksgiving!

You woke up by the smell of something delicious. You went to Link half asleep and asked what it was. "It's Thanksgiving and I'm making turkey for later along with mashed potatoes, cake and much more." He said.

You took a quick bath and called Akari. "Happy Thanksgiving, Akari!" You said as you as you hugged her. "Happy Thanksgiving,
(Y/N)." She said, smiling. Few hours later, Link was done with the food. He brought Daiki, Diana, the old warrior along with his wife and the goddesses.

You helped Link put all of the food in the table and sat down. "Food! Let's eat!" Said the old warrior, about to grab something until his wife smacked his hand. "Not yet! We have to say what we're thankful for. Let's" His wife pointed at Akari.

Link, who was next to you, leaned over and whispered: "I thought she was invisible to some people."

"She does that by her own power." You whispered back. "Ohh."

"Well..I'm thankful to have met both (Y/N) and Link..I've never met anybody like them..they changed my life and opened my eyes. Thank you (Y/N), Link." She said, facing down in shyness.

You smiled at her.

"How about you?" It was the Goddesses turn. "Us..? Well..we're thankful we ran away from home." The Old warriors wife face of happiness turned into a face of worry.

Link interrupted. "Hehe! How about you warrior?" The old warrior coughed. "I'm thankful I met my wife. Without her, I don't know where I would be or what..she's truly special to me." He said hugging his wife and giving her a deep, caring kiss. "Same her, my dear." His wife responded.

"Link? (Y/N)?" Asked the warrior.

"Go ahead, (Y/N)." Link whispered. "Ahem..I'm thankful to have met my best friend, my helper..and Thank you warrior for giving shelter when I first came here. Akari, thanks for helping me in my times of need. Link?" You turned to him. "Thank you for being someone I've never had..I'm really lucky to have met someone like you." You said smiling. You and Link locked eyesight until you looked the other and said: "Your turn.."

Link blushed. "Meeting you all was a pleasure. Magical beings and humans, all of you are friends to me and (Y/N)..I....I..I'm thankful to be with you all the're back and I'm happy.." He said. Silence filled the house until the wife said to eat. All of you said thanks for something, ate and then said your goodbyes.

You and Link were walking in forest. Link saw a flower that was your favorite color and picked it up. "(Y/N)" He gave to you . You took it and blushed. "I consider myself a lucky guy to be with you, y'know." He said. "Oh come on..Link."

He came up in front of you. "Anyhoo..what would you like for Christmas?" He asked.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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