Chapter 13

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You and Link were walking back home. Link saw Hebe running towards both of you and he asked if she was alright. "Yes, I'm fine." She said. "I might be able to help you, though." Link turned to you.

At Link's house, Hebe was sitting in front of you. "I don't have many memories about it..but I do remember..when I was grown, I had met some of Hyrule's criminals. One of them knows about what you're getting into. He's in prison deep in Hyrule castle. They call him 'The deep dark'. I'll give you a warning..don't get to interested what he's saying or else." She sighed. "Be careful, okay?"

Link gave her some clothes. "Winter season is coming..and you'll be in great hands with Rusl. A great friend of mine. He has a kid which I'm sure you'll become good friend with." He said. "I'll do just perfect, here. Thanks.." Hebe went to you. "Don't be sad..I'm sure things will turn out right." You smiled softly and hugged her. "Thank you."

Link took her to Rusl. Just hoping she'll be safe there. When he was back, you were laying in bed. "You barely had any time for your new outfit butttt.." Link gave you winter clothes, too. "If we're gonna go and kick behinds then suit up and come train with me. I'll be more than happy to help you." He said, smiling.

Few minutes later, you had different clothes on. Link was taking care of Epona outside. You went to him. "What's up?" You waved. "You look nice!" Link said, smiling. You a blue dress with dark blue sleeves. The same gloves, boots and white thick tights. Now, you had a little bit of more armor and more clothing under your dress. You also had a long scarf that covered your mouth and head but you didn't had it on.

"Okay. I asked Rusl if he could let us borrow his sword for now so we can train. Are you ready?" Link asked, lending you a sword. "I'm not.." The boy got closer to you, putting his hand on yours for you to learn how to hold a sword. His grip was strong and you blushed. "Make sure your grip is hard. That way your opponent knows it's going to be hard to push you down." He said. "Keep in mind that you're protecting yourself."

Link stepped away, getting the master sword out of its scabbard. You seemed tense about sword-fighting. "Link. I don't know.." You said. "Don't worry, I'll easy on ya." He said. His voice made you a bit more confident. He started clashing swords with you, slowly. "If you'd like I'll give you more training with archery." You nodded. "That'll be great." You said. Link put his sword away and was starting to go inside his house. "Wait! Can..we do it right now?" He turned around at your question. "Sure."

"Oh gee..I have to get another bow." Link said. "We'll just have to share" He kept going. You handed the bow he had given to you and stood aside to watch him go. "Look you see how.." His voice started to faint as your thoughts took over. "(Y/N)?" You heard. "Are you listening?" He asked. "Oh..Yes! Yes!" You said. "Great. Now come here and show me." He handed the bow and you took it. You aimed at a target nearby and shot it. "Wow!" Link clapped. "That was amazing!" After a few arrows, both of you went inside and slept for the day. Around 3 am, Link heard a sound. You were training. Tired, you fell to the ground. "(Y/N)! What are you doing?" Link asked. "I'm.." You were gasping. ""

"Why? It's.." He noticed that you're been working your butt off. "(Y/N)..Don't worry..I'm here." You then collapsed on his arms. He picked you up and took you home. The next day, you woke up and yawned. "Hmm...Link?"

Link was packing for both of you. "Where are we going?" He threw you the backpack you had. "Wash up, cuz we're going to castle town!" He said. You washed and came outside. Link was ready and so were you. Link got on Epona and helped you get on. For the whole trip, you and Link were having a conversation until you reached your destination. 'We're here.." You said, getting off Epona. You crossed the bridge and entered castle town, with Link following.

People running, singing, talking, dancing. You kinda loved it. "Hey! Look!" Link pointed to a stand where people were selling hamburgers. "I'll pay." Link offered. Both of you ordered a hamburger and ate while walking to Telma's bar. When you finished, outside Telma's bar was a dark alley. "So we'll be going to enter through there." Link looked up. There were two small doors that showed a path. "I used it as a wolf when my partner was dying." He said. "Link..what if..I try transforming into a soldier, beat up a real one, steal his armor so I can wear it and bam! We bust in." You recommended. "I don't think they'd want their only hero in jail. Besides..they won't believe it." Link responded. "What..about if I transform into a hooded figure and you get in the soldier armor."

"That's a better plan." Link said. You quietly sneak up on a soldier and took him to the dark alley where you and Link were. You knocked him unconscious. "Dude! That was too harsh! Whatever, though. Let's get to it." Link put on the soldier armor which made him look short. You transformed into a tall being with a hood and held onto Link's weapons with your magic. You couldn't see Link's face behind the armor he had on. "Now! Put handcuffs on me!" You said. Link found handcuffs on the soldier's pouch and put them on you. "Ouch."

"Sorry. I know it's tight." Link said. Link grabbed the spear the soldier had and poked you softly with it. "Go!" He shouted, going through the crowd. In front of the big doors entering Hyrule castle front yard, they let both of you in. "To jail!" Someone yelled. Right when entering prison, there were a bunch of monsters and criminals. You felt nervous. Link was still behind you. "Yo!" Someone came to Link. Another soldier. "Have you heard? They're executing the most powerful criminal! The deep dark!"


"Outside, in the courtyard!" You turned to Link. He knocked the soldier out. You looked at the soldier in the ground and heard the prisoners shouting, telling you to get them out. Around ten soldiers opened the door and saw you. "Get her!" Link pushed you and ran with you. "Link! Get me out of these!" You said, running. Link got the handcuffs out of your hand. You two were now in the hallway, every way, there were soldiers. "That way! That way!"

You were outside. "!" Princess Zelda was there. "Get them" She said. The deep dark was also there. "Look!" You pointed. "We're here for him!" You shouted. Zelda took a bow out. "Saikki!" You yelled. Link turned to you. You transformed back to yourself. Zelda was about to shoot you until Link came her way. Everything suddenly became dark to him.


You were flying. Four arms and your whole transformation. You had the criminal in one hand and carried Link with the rest of your arms. He woke up. "(Y/N).." You landed close to a big tree. Link was bleeding from his stomach. He had the armor taken off. "'re.." You placed your hand on Link's bleeding spot. You ripped part of your clothing and put on top of Link's stomach to make it stop bleeding. The deep dark came and healed him. Very slowly. You looked at him. When he finished, Link was breathing normally, but sleeping. The man stood up and stared at the distance. "Why..are you a criminal?" You asked.

I tried giving the reader a better outfit 'cuz last time I was afraid of people not liking to look like a lemon. Yes, I read comments to find out what's wrong or what's okay in this story. I hope you like it!

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