Chapter 15

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You and Link got closer to the temple. "Hmm? I got visitors? Me, Athena?" Link looked around. "The goddess of wisdom." He asked. A woman appeared. "What brings you here, young ones?"

"H-Hi...My name is Artemis and I'm here for the moon pearl of wisdom." You said. "Zeus child? I see where you got the demanding from." She said. "Demanding?" Link whispered. "I'll give you my pearl...If!" You held onto Link's arm. "There's this monster in the village nearby. It's been scaring the elderly and children..I do not like it. I keep telling them to stay strong and hope..but it's no use. I ask of you. Defeat it."

You and Link nodded and left. Link looked in the distance and saw a small town, not so far away. You two walked until you arrived. "It seems pretty quiet." Link said. "Psst! You two!" A kid whispered, hiding from something along with other people. "Hide. You're going to wake him up.!" He said. "Wake who up?" You asked. "(Y/N)..Look." Link pointed at a monster, similar to a darknut in Hyrule but it looked stronger. You whimpered. "We're going to die." The kid said. Next to him was his little brother. "Has he y'know...anyone?" You asked the kid.

"Many..if we wake him up..he's going to find us and kill us..!" Suddenly the boy's brother started to cry out loud. The people ran everywhere, trying to get away. The monster got up, looked at you and Link. It grabbed its claymore which slammed it against the ground and created huge wind pressure. "Link! Link! Link! Liiiink!" You shouted. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (YYY/NN)! Are you okay?" He asked. "No! I can't do this!"

"Run, take a deep breath and find something to fight with!" Link said, shocyou. "Like if that's going to work! But yeah, you're Link, I have no choice!" You ran away from there.

A few miles later, you got tired. Gasping for air, you looked around. The village was surrounded by fog and quietness. It was scary. You looked for a weapon, but there's was nothing. "Hmph. Bummer." You murmured. You felt vibration in the ground. "Link?"

You saw something behind you. It looked at you straight in the eye. You decided to run, now going to Link. As you were running, you bumped into someone. "Link!" You were on top of him. "You're..alive. Thank goodness..Mind getting My stomach." He said. "Oh! Sorry!" You got off him. He stood up. "This guy keeps teleporting!"

"I have an idea." Link turned to you, ready to listen. The monster pushed all of the fog aside, finding you and Link. You had transformed into your stronger form. The monster teleported, luckily you flew with Link in your arms for him to counter attack. You let him go. Doing it several times, Link got to defeat the monster. "Whoo! You did it!" You cheered. You noticed Link had several wounds.


"You two. Good job! As a gift of your bravery, I give you the moon pearl of wisdom." Athena said, giving you the a blue pearl. "Thank you!" You shouted in happiness. "No. Thank you for saving the village. I can now live without worry." She teleported you two to Olympus.

You and Link stayed in a small inn. "Link, lay down." You said. "Eh? For?" He asked. "Your wounds. If you- someone doesn't treat them, you'll get hurt easily." You grabbed a bucket full of water and towel. Link laid down in bed. "Were you always like this?" You asked. "It's part of my nature to get hurt like this. Tell me, (Y/N). Were you like this before we met?"

"To be" You looked down. "As royal was I was before, I couldn't worry. No matter how hurt someone was, I couldn't do anything. I guess..meeting you, Link..was the biggest and the most lovely experience I've ever had." Link blushed. He let you take care of wounds. "(Y/N)? Have you ever..been in a relationship?" Link asked. "A relationship? You mean-"

"A relationship where one person loves another. No matter what..they are there for each other." Link said. "That..No. One has won my heart but not anymore." You said, quietly. "Wh-What about you..?" You asked Link. "Never. Many said I would either end up with Princess Zelda or Ilia..Of course. One of them is a goddess." He said looking at you. "Well..Goodnight, (Y/N)." He said. "Goodnight." You responded.


"Link?" You tried waking Link up. "Hmm..Hm?" He slowly opened his eyes. "I have a surprise for you." Link got up, half asleep. You showed him the surprise. "Pancakes!!" He shouted in surprise. You gave him a glass of milk. "Thanks (Y/N)!!" He said, eating them. "No problem. Get ready, though. We're going to Hebe!" Link stopped. "Isn't she in Hyrule?" He asked. "Yes. We're going back for a while." You responded.

A few minutes later, Link got ready and you too. "Is the portal still there? I wonder." You said. "Who knows. I hope it is." Link said. You two saw the portal from where you two entered Olympus. "Aw, yes!"

You and Link went to it. Right now, you were in Hyrule. "Home sweet home!" Link said. You chuckled. You two went to Ordon village. "I kinda missed the serenity in here." You said, smiling. Link knocked on Rusl's door and found Colin crying. "Link! I'm so glad you're here! My dad..He was killed!"

"Huh..?" Link didn't believe what he just heard. Hebe was inside, comforting Uli, Rusl's wife. "That can't be..who-" Link was interrupted. "Monsters! He tried protecting us!"Colin cried. "..I'm sorry, Colin." Link said. Mayor Bo stepped in so Link could have a moment. At Link's house, Link fell on the ground. "Link..I'm so sorry."

You heard sniffing and small crying from him. You suddenly felt pressure against your neck and being picked up. Link was choking you. "" You tried to breathe.

"You killed him, didn't you?"

His eyes were different. "Link..!" You cried. Hebe entered the house and saw Link killing you. She grabbed a shovel and knocked Link unconscious. You fell, coughing. "Hebe?" You looked up. "Are you all right?" She asked. "I'm fine..but.." You crawled to Link. "What happened to him?" You asked. "I sense dark power binding him...he shouldn't have never went to Olympus but...He's also hurting."

"What the..?"

Link woke up. "Ow.." Hebe stepped back. "No way!" You looked at his eyes. They were back to normal. "That "dark power" must have cloaked him. Which you only knocked that power, along with him, too but, he must've barely felt it." Your voice started to crack and disappear. Link saw you in the ground. "(Y/N)! Are you okay?!" You stood up. "I'm okay."

"(Y/N). Take this. The moon pearl of youth. To get the darkness out of him, you must seek Hyperion, the god of light." Hebe said. "C'mon, Link." Link followed with confusion. "Uh..hey. Aren't you going to tell me what happened?" Link asked. "Link. Don't get mad or anything but there's something inside you. Dark power. That power took over while you mourned and..started hurting me." You said. "Hurt you? You mean, I was hurting you?!" Link leaned against a wall. "H-How?"

"You started choking me until Hebe knocked you with a shovel." You responded. "Choking?'m sorry about that!"

"Don't worry-"

"Your neck. It's red." Link sighed. "Follow me."

Hmm. *sips tea* I'm trying my best to make more "Link alone with the reader" moments. Good tea. Good day.

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