Chapter 7

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You woke up, noticing you were in your bed at Link's house. You stood up slowly and looked around. Grace and Erinney were there..waiting for you to wake up. You didn't know who they were. One of them said: "Link's at the Ordon spring."

You got out of the house, to go to Link. When you were at the entrance of the spring you saw..but he didn't saw you. The little girl and Akari were sitting together.You stood next to Link and he saw you. "So..who is she..?" You asked. Link knows you were talking about the girl. "Her name's Diana..I don't know where she came from..or..well I almost don't know anything about her."

You looked down at your feet. "(Y/N)? How are you feeling?" Link asked. Akari smiled and left with Diana. "I feel okay..but at the same time I don't." You stepped into the cleansed water. "I still don't know how to control my powers..and if I never learn how to..then I'd lose control of myself.." You said, looking at your hand. Link went to you, held your hand and said: "I'll help that we're together once more."You smiled at him and he smiled back, giving each other a hug. A hug he missed and you wanted. When you two got separated from the hug, you splashed Link with water. "That's how you wanna play?!" You two played with each other until both of you were really soaked.

Akari as watching in the distance with Diana saying "Finally, they're both happy."

You and Link were drying off. "Hey Link. Happy late birthday." You said. "Thanks..and what about you?" He responded. "I'm now 17. It happened while I was..y'know."

"Oh..then Happy late birthday to you, too." He said. As both of you were walking back home, you kept having a chat with Link. "Are you still princess? or queen?" Link asked. "No. I guess. Thanks though, for letting my people free." You said. " first I thought I was doing the wrong thing...but then-" Link saw Ilia in front of his house. Again. He went to her and left you alone.

"Ilia? What happened? It's really late." Link said. Ilia suddenly hugged Link. "You're okay! Thank hylia! I thought something had happened to you when you left me!" Link blushed. You slightly smiled. For some reason, deep down, you felt your heart hurt. You decided to go inside and sleep for tomorrow.

Next day

You woke up and went to the bathroom. You looked in the mirror and noticed you had something in your neck. "What the.." Once your hand touched it, it disappeared. You washed your face with water and looked in the mirror again. Your ears. They were pointy. "Ahh!!" You slipped and fell. Link heard, went to the door and knocked. "Are you okay, there?" He asked.

"Yeah..yeah..! I'm fine." You then took a bath, brushed your teeth and your hair. You had a light blue dress, with white flats. You came out and covered your ears. Link wasn't there, neither was Akari now which gave you a good chance to take your hands off your ears. You quickly went out to the forest, to see if you could grab some ingredients or fruit to make food with. "You really don't have to hide yours ears." Someone said behind you. You thought it was Link but no. "Um.."

"We've met before..but haven't introduced ourselves properly." He said, holding your cheek. "We have..?" You asked. "Yeah..y'know. I was like 'I can do this, bet your hero can't.' and your were like 'Oh he can do this' Blah, blah, blah." He said.

"Oh..I'm sorry about that.." You said. "No need, we're cool now, right?" He asked. "Sure." You smiled. "Good. Now..what are you doing?"

"Collecting ingredients to make dinner." You responded. "Ah, don't pick those berries, they're poisonous. Actually, let me help you." He said, going through trees and bushes. "Thanks! I would really need that help!" You said, handing him the basket you had. As he was picking fruits, he asked: " are you and that boy doing?"

"Link?..oh..pretty well, I suppose." You looked at the boy. "That's great. It kind of looks like that Ilia girl likes him and he likes her. I'm just saying the look like..not that they do."

"Yeah..they would make a pretty good couple." You said in a sad tone without noticing. The boy noticed and looked at you. "It's never good to hide something from someone, especially those you care about. If you do..then the bond you and that person have will brake and one of you will lose control." He said, holding your hands. You blushed. "Well..I have to go, I hope we get to hangout more. Your name's (Y/N), right?" You nodded. "Okay the, mine's Joseph. Also, don't forget about your ears." You remembered you had them uncovered so you covered the again and headed home.

You opened the door to Link's house and no one was there except Akari. Your ears had gone back to normal. "Uh, Akari? Where's Link?" You asked. "Oh, she's with his friend..what's her name again? Hmm..Oh! Ilia." Akari was reading but seemed pretty bored. You suddenly heard talking outside and went to a window. You saw Ilia and Link. Link said his goodbyes and Ilia kissed Link in the cheek. After seeing that, your ears became pointy again.

When Link entered his house, you had a blanket all over you except your face. "Hi, Link!" You said. "Hi, (Y/N)."He responded. "Hehe, who's the lucky girl?" You asked, making a smug face. "What?! No one! She just suddenly did that! It was totally unexpected. She's not my girlfriend!" Link yelled. You giggled.

Day had passed and it was already night. Link was heading out. "Woah, woah, where are you going?" You asked. Your ears weren't pointy anymore. "I'm going to Ilia's. Her father invited me to a small reunion." He said. He opened the door and left. Once he was gone, you left to the forest. There was a little bit of light coming from the moon, but it was still kind of dark.

"Are you evolving or something?" You heard a familiar voice. "Joseph! and what?" Joseph pointed at your arms. You faced down to look at them and freaked out. Now you had four arms.

"Ahh!" You got on your knees because of the pain you were in.

"(Y/N)..?" Joseph slowly came to you. You looked up and floated. What Joseph was seeing is terrifying to him. A (Y/N) with pointy ears, white hair mixed with your normal hair, four arms and blank eyes. You turned to look at Joseph and went to him.

(A/N) was your Thanksgiving? I hope it was great. Anyways, the exciting part of this fanfic is starting! Some..unex..pected things may happen..enjoy! Have a nice day/night!

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