Chapter 2

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Now, you must understand that back then I knew the basic normal thing they teach us.

Concepts like demons, ninjas, aliens and Gods were completely absurd.

But now even different worlds? What would you have done on my place?

Anyway, following 5pb's directions I reached the sea, aiming at north.

I checked that nobody was around and I transformed, I called for my bike and went ahead, on the water.

Me:"I truly hope that in this library we'll find some informations of where the hell we are and how to get back."

Ghost Rider:'It may be not that simple.'

Me:"Figures. How come?"

Ghost Rider:'There must be a reason for our presence here.'

I was about to scream.

Me:"Hello? We touched that console, that's why we're here."

Ghost Rider:'Is that so? And how do you explain that we were the only people in the arcade to hear that buzz?'

He was right, of course he was, but I was so annoyed that I didn't care.

Me:"Because nothing in my life goes as I want to. Heh, after this I don't think something could surprise me."

Ghost Rider:'...Are you sure?'

Me:"Hell yeah. I even bet 5$."

That's when I noticed that it was getting colder.

Me:"Hm, I know it's normal since we're going north, but we just left a sunny..."

And I looked up.

Me:" it snowing?"

And not just that. The beach I was reaching, now I could see it, was full of snow.

And the forest behind was white.

Me:" it possible?"

Ghost Rider:'I guess this means you just lost 5$.'

Me:"Shut up..."

I reached the beach and returned normal. I entered in the forest with my bike.

Me:"Amazing. If I think that not so far from here there is a beautiful sun..."

The forest was full of snow.
The trees were white and not a sound could be heard.

And that was strange.

Me:"I know it's another world, but I see no animal around. Not that I care, I just need to reach a town where to ask informations and-"

Suddendly I heard a scream. It was a girl for sure.

And it was followed by a roar.

Me:"I really needed to talk about animals, didn't I?"

I left the bike and reached a zone with few trees.

There I saw the owners of the scream.

There was two kids, both girls it seemed.

The first one was on the ground, she had long brown hair and a pink dress and hat.

Standing in front of her was a girl with short brown hair and the same dress and hat, just blue, holding a sort of staff.

Facing them was the biggest wolf I've never seen.

And the weird thing is that it was blue.

???:"D-Damn! If we just didn't drop the guard..."

 A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol. 4: Meeting A New Enemy (x Hyperdimension Neptunia)Where stories live. Discover now