Chapter 20

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The robot kept staring while aiming at me with his left hand, where the bullet came from.

Vengeance:"I hope you like it, because his fighting stile was planned to defeat me. You should be thankful I let you use it!"

From his back, some chains floated around.


They moved like a giant whip and tried to hit me, but I jumped away.

Before I could land, he started to shoot me fast.

I was able to roll away, but just while I was standing, he dashed against me and hit my shoulder with the chainsaw.

I screamed of pain while he tried to push it further to cut my arm.

Vengeance:"Ow, that hurt! Come on, react!"

I grabbed his arm and tried to pull it out, but he was strong.

I used my chain to grab a metal bar and I threw it against him to push him away.

While he was stucked, I let my arm healing.

Vengeance:"Well, that was like cheating, but I love cheaters! Bravo, Buddy!"

When I finished healing the chainsaw cut the bar and Metal came out, staring at me.

I went against him and he tried to cut me in half, but I slipped down and grabbed his feet.

I stood up and I smashed him against the wall, but he hit my leg with the chainsaw.

He rolled kicking me in the face and was abut to pierce my chest, but I blocked the attack with my chains.

He then hit me with his chains, making me break a pillar.

Vengeance:"Hey, watch out! If you act carelessly you'll destroy the building! Not that I care, but..."

Before I could stand I saw he was about to shoot me again.

Me:"Oh, not this time."

Instead of blocking, I threw him a fireball.

And he cut it in half with the chainsaw.


He used that moment to come at me, but I took the chance.

The moment he tried to hit me, I stood up grabbing his left arm.

And I pulled.

The sound of ripping cables and electricity echoed in the building.

His left arm was ripped in half. I threw away the part I was holding.

Me:"Now what do you want to shoot?"

Surprisenly, he raised his ripped arm to me.

And an explosion engulfed me, crashing me against the wall.

Me:"W-What the...g-granades!?"

He just stared at me with his red eyes, that I noticed were becoming brighter.

Me:"Wait, could it be-"

I moved to right, evading just in time the laser beam from his eyes.

Me:"That was close...but how many weapon do you-"

Vengeance:"Uhm, hello? Sorry for stopping you, but that fire is out of control! You have to think at the bombs now!"


I looked where the laser hit. It made some fire, and it was getting close to some boxes.

 A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol. 4: Meeting A New Enemy (x Hyperdimension Neptunia)Where stories live. Discover now