Chapter 19

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Ah, I truly needed a drink. I'm boiling here, damn!

So, I was to the fight against Arfoire, right?

Well, after I left the girls, I went to Leanbox since it was the closest nation.

In order to evade the people, when I reached the city I used my chains to move like I did in Lastation.

It was a good exercise, because that was a perfect way to move in mid-air.

Anyway, I know I said that finding Rei Ryghts and Vengeance was simple, but the true is I had no idea of where to begin with.

All our efforts to find Vengeance were useless, and he showed up only when he wanted.

So I was stuck without a clue.

Ghost Rider:'Why don't you admit that you'll never find him on your own?'

Me:"I know that myself. But there must be a way..."

Ghost Rider:'Why don't you ask for help? To the CPUs?'

Me:"If they never found him before, why should they be able to do it now?"

Ghost Rider:'...As I said before, childish.'

Me:"Just shut up..."

Suddendly my N-Gear received a call. Thinking it was Nepgear or one of the others I was about to close it, when I noticed something strange.

Me:" 'Unknown'? What the hell?"

I reluctantly answered. The screen was black


???:*Helllllloooooo? Am I talking with mr. Y/N?*

The voice was high and it vaguely seemed a male voice, but it was strange.

Me:"Ehm...yes, but who are you?"

???:*Soorryyy, not gonna tell you! Besides, it doesn't matter. However, I must say you have a beautiful voice.*

I raised a brow confused.

Me:"Ok, who are you?"

???:*I'm just a pure maiden, nothing more.*

Me:"You do realise I can hear you have a male voice?"

???:*Even so, inside this body the heart of a maiden lies in all its beauty!*

I rolled my eyes. An other mad.

Me:"Fine fine, you are what you want. But why did you call me? And how?"

???:*Well, for the second one, I'm a great hacker.*

Me:'Of course.'

???:*And about the first one, I want to tell you where you can find that Vengeance guy.*


I stared at the black screen confused.

???:*Let me explain. I'm from an other dimension, not so different from this one, and time ago I created a little machine, wich is now destroyed. Recently I found out that bully stole my projects and I fear he may build it there, if he didn't already.*

Me:"What does this machine do?"

???:*Shortly, it steals share energy from other nations and insert it in someone connected to the machine.*

And then everything made sense. The reasons of the low shares in each nation was because of that machine.

And probably the stolen energy was for Rei Ryghts.

???:*Now, I didn't like it, so I went here and begun searching him. I must admit he gave me an hard time, but I found something.*

Me:"Is that so? And what would that be?"

???:*A warehouse in Lowee. There are to many holes in its documents, and it was bought 4 days ago by some purple woman.*

That was surely Arfoire.

Me:"I might give a look. But tell me, why are you helping me?"

???:*Well, I don't like to fight personally, and you're currently searching for this Vengeance. I'm sure you'll be able to save my darling Noire-chan."

Me:"...Your 'darling Noire-chan'?"

???:*That's right! My sweet Noire! I mean, the Noire-chan of this dimension, but Noire is always Noire! I have all kind of pictures about her. Are you interested in a look?*

Me:"No, but thank you anyway."

I closed the call and returned to my bike, that I used to go in Lowee.

After I closed the call, that guy sent me the adress of the warehouse, so I didn't lose time to find it.

From the outside it seemed an old warehouse, but I was sure there was something more.

I climbed to the rooftop and entered by the window. The place seemed desert.

But it wasn't empty.

The first thing I noticed were tons of papers, but the most were half ripped or burned.

There were some in good condiction on a big table.

I gave a look the first one.

'Fase 1
Using a diversion to take Rei Ryghts.

The machine must be ready'

I gave a look to the other papers.

'Fase 2:
Activating the machine to give Rei Ryghts her power

The CPUs will be weaker'

'Fase 3:
Eliminating CPUs with Arfoire's pyramid

Note to myself
That witch will fail for sure, so I won't think to this fase to much'

'Fase 4:
Unleashing Rei Ryghts in her CPU state

(Better leaving before she destroyes everything or playing with Buddy? Hard choise)'

I couldn't believe it. That was his base for real.

I stepped back when I heard a piano and Vengeance's voice.

Vengeance:"🎵We'll meet again, don't know where don't know when,
but I know we'll meet again, some sunny day!🎵"

I immediatly transformed and looked around.

Me:"Where are you!?"

Vengeance:"Surely not there. But I must say, you came faster than I though."

I tried to follow the voice until I saw a camera. It was a trap.

Me:"How did you know I was coming?"

Vengeance:"Please, it's from the begin I'm stopping that annoying hacker. But since I was getting bored I let him know of this place. I used the small fish to catch my white whale, you!"

I had enough of his voice. I was about to destroy everything.

Vengeance:"But now there's no time for this. Hurry, open the door behind you! They're going to shoot someone!"

I looked behind me and I saw a door. His faked worried voice was annoying.

I opened the door...
and a bulled pierced my chest.

Vengeance:"And that's you! Ha ha ha ha ha! But now it's introductions time!"

I looked up and saw the weirdest thing I've ever seen.

It had a human shaped body, even if a little bigger. It was dressed as a biker and its right arm was a flaming chainsaw.
His left arm was still raised against me, with the robotic hand closed as a gun. His head was a metallic skull with red eyes engulfed by a pixel like fire.

Vengeance:"Allow me to intoduce you your new sparring partner. He's the last model of the punching bag I use on my training. Buddy, meet Metal Ghost Rider 20.99!"

 A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol. 4: Meeting A New Enemy (x Hyperdimension Neptunia)Where stories live. Discover now