Chapter 16

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When I woke up I was in complete pain.

My view was blurry and I couldn't move.

But the more I focused, the more my healing factor worked quicker.

Me:"Ugh...I need to wait...just a little..."

Meanwhile, I looked around, trying to understand where I was.

The room of an hospital.

Me:"It seems yesterday that I woke up in an hospital...instead, it's more than a month..."

I noticed there were some flowers next to me with a ticket on them.

Me:"One of the girls, maybe?"

I slowly took it and when I read it I forgot all the pain.

"Heal soon,


I was furious and confused. That meant he came to visit me. But how?

Me:"I can't stay here."

I stood up and took my clothes. Since I knew the doctors would had never made me leave, I used the window and reached the rooftop.

Me:"It seems I'm still at Lastation. I wonder how the others are..."

I looked down to the streets.

Me:"...but if I use the bike they'll notice me. If only I could fly..."

I looked to the buildings around. My eyes then went to a spider on the window.

It was slowly going down with its web, without flying.

I gave a look at my chains.

Me:"...I wonder if..."

I sent my chain to a close building and I pulled to check.

Me:"I know it might be stupid, but..."

I jumped and I used my chain as a liana. When I reached the max of the oscillation, I recalled my chain while I threw an other one.

It was working.

Me:"I guess this is how it feels to be Tarzan."

I then stopped on a building far away from the hospital.

Me:"Now, first I have to see the girls to know if-"

In that moment, my N-Gear received a call. It was IF.

Me:"Speaking of devil...Hello?"

IF:*Y/N, is that you!? The doctors said you escaped!*

Me:"I can't waist my time resting while a psycho is on the road!"

Then Compa showed up on the screen.

Compa:*But this is insane! The doctors said you have 14 broken bones!*

Me:"Wich means I had 192 safe bones. I know anatomy. Beside, I'm already healing."

IF:*That, I believe it. When that monster bought you to the hospital, you were almost done for.*

 A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol. 4: Meeting A New Enemy (x Hyperdimension Neptunia)Where stories live. Discover now