Chapter 7

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When the door opened various girls entered in the room.

I recognized Blanc and her sister, but I didn't know the others.

The first one was a girl with long black hair in pigtails and red eyes.

She wore a fancy black dress, the chest part and the skirt were white. She had long black gloves covering her arms and a black and white collar, with a blue ribbon. Black kneesocks and black boots.

The other one had black hair in twintails and dark red eyes. She wore a black dress with blue lining with a belt-like accessory. A large black circle piece with white details connectet the collar and the dress. She also wore long black fingerless gloves and black boots.

For some reason those two were staring annoyed at me.

The last one had long blond hair and blue eyes. She wore a green dress with gold markings that showed her big chest. She wore large green and white gloves. Around her neck was white collar with green lining around the bottom and a very thin white cloth connecting the dress and neck piece together.

Blanc:"So we meet again."

Me:"It seems so..."

I didn't like to have all the Goddesses to watch me, it just felt wrong.

The blond came to me.

???:"I suppose we didn't meet. I'm Vert, Leanbox's CPU. A shame I couldn't be at the concert, but I was rather busy."

Me:"Well, I guess it's normal."

Vert:"Oh, it is. My guild was stuck in a very hard dungeon, I couldn't lose the chance to gain so much EXP."

I just stared at her.

Neptune:"Yeah, she's an hardcore gamer."


So Neptune wasn't the only lazy Goddess.

Nepgear:"But I don't see Uzume. Where is she?"

Blanc:"She went with Umio for some quests. We'll tell her later."

I was about to ask who this Uzume was, but I noticed that the girls with black hair were still staring at me.

Me:"Excuse me, can I know who you are and what do you want."

???:"W-Who am I!? Did you already forget the humiliation you did to me!?"

Me:"Humiliation? I've never met you two before."

She was about to explode.

???:"I'm Noire, Lastation's CPU!"

???:"And I'm Uni, her sister!"

I looked at both.

Me:"'re completely different from before."

Histoire:"I suppose you don't know of HDD Form, right?"

I shook my head confused.

Histoire:"Allow me to explain. The CPU's power-"

Me:"I already know about the Shares and the Sharicite Crystal."

She looked me surprised, but then she nodded.

Histoire:"Well, the HDD, Hard Drive Divinity, is a form that use the power of the Share of a Goddess. It changes her appearence and sometimes her personality."

Me:"So, when I met you two, you were in that form?"

Uni:"Yes, that's the thing."

Me:"So all Goddesses have this form?"

Plutia:"Indeeeeed. Would you like to see miiiiiiine?"


I had to cover my hears. I couldn't understand the problem.

Me:"Anyway, can I please know why am I here."

Histoire:"Of course. This is the reason."

She pointed a tv and it was showing my arrive in that world.

Vert:"When I saw the video, I immediatly went to 5pb, who said you showed up from nowhere."

Blanc:"She warned all of us about it. That's why I was making you all those questions."

Neptune:"Or at least the most of us. Right, Lonely Heart?"

Noire:"Shut up! I was working!"

Neptune:"And how come Uni received the message?"

Histoire:"ANYWAY, when Blanc and Noire contacted us, we were really surprised you went in no time from Leanbox to Lowee and then to Lastation."

I crossed my arms. I couldn't understand where she was going to.

Histoire:"But the question is this: are you from an other dimension?"

Me:"Well, as a matter of fact, I am. I came here after I touched a weird console."

Histoire:"Hm, just as I thought. And, would you like to go back home?"

I had enough of that game, so I choose to stop it.

Me:"Why don't you tell me what you really want from me?"

They all stared at me.

Histoire:"What do you-"

Me:"If you wanted to help me, you would have done it already. But here we are, chatting around. What is that you want?"

The all looked each other, and only Plutia and Peashy were confused of what was going on.

Histoire:"Fine. The fact is, two days ago, our sistems found a portal from an other dimension. It closed immediatly, but someone came out. This person-"

Noire:"Can I stop you, Histoire?"

We all turned to Noire.

Noire:"I just can't take the fact he's so arrogant to us. We're Goddess, don't you understand?"

Me:"Just for you to know, I already fought a God. Almost killed him."

Noire:"That's enough!"

She summoned her sword and pointed to me.

Noire:"I will fight you, no matter what you say!"

Everyone but me stood up.

Vert:"Noire, don't be so childish. He doesn't belong to our world."

Neptune:"That's right Noire. Chill out."

Plutia:"Can I join the fight, pleaaaaaaase?"

They all turned to her.

Peashy:"Yeah, me too, me too!"

Neptune:"Ehm, Plutie, Peashy, we're trying to stop a fight, not to-"


She turned to me.


I stood up, tired of that show.

Me:"If this is what you want to be quiet, so be it. I'll fight you together."

Noire was smirking, Plutia and Peashy were smiling, all the others gave me a do-you-want-to-die look.

Neptune:"Waitwaitwaitwait! As the main character, I must stop you immediatly! Fighting Lonely Heart is dangerous enough, you can't fight even Peashy!"

Me:"Is she a CPU too?"

Nepgear:"She is, but you mustn't challenge Plutia! It's a suicide!"

Me:"I took the challenge..."

I cracked my knuckles.

Me:"...and I'll fight to the end."

 A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol. 4: Meeting A New Enemy (x Hyperdimension Neptunia)Where stories live. Discover now