Chapter 12

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I'm sure that some people who'll read this diary will think "didn't you say you had no money? Why did you refuse their proposal to sleep in the tower?"

I'd like to say "mind your business" but the fact is very simple.

Was it because I was a boy and they were all girls? Not at all, the same situation happened back in Hanzo Academy.

Was it because they were all possessive (Candidates aside) and crazy? A little, but not completely.

It was because that wasn't my world.

I had to leave sooner or later, and things would have been sad if I became their friends.

Not that I lied to Plutia, I was serious with her, but I didn't want things to go deeper.

Anyway for my rest I just stayed in a cave.

Of course I had to 'discuss' with those who lived there, but then everything was settled.

It wasn't the best place to sleep, but it could be worse.

Like, I could still have my old annoying alarm clock.

When I woke up the following day I went in the city.

Again, I made secondary roads to not be recognized. After all, my song conquered the heart of many people.

Me:"I wonder what they plan to do now? As much as we want, we have no clue to find Vengeance. And of course anything would come out easily..."

Before I could finish, something exploded deep on my left.

I looked there and saw a column of smoke rising.

Me:"...or would it?"

I reached the fire and saw a group of monster making their way to the center.

Me:"Monsters? I didn't immagine they assault cities too. I wonder if-"

???:"Aaaaah ha ha ha ha!"

I turned to the voice and saw a woman with grey skin, red eyes and purple hair wearing a revealing black witch outfit, with even the big hat with a purple rose on it.

???:"Yes, everything is going smoothly. Soon the CPUs will arrive and then-"

Me:"Hey, you woman!"

She turned to me with an annoyed face.

???:"What do you want, you scum? Don't you see I'm busy?"

Me:"Take your monsters and leave now, you Halloween reject."

???:"How dare you insult me!? I am Arfoire, and for this you'll fall into darkness!"

She was making it so dramatic that I could only ask how old she was.

Arfoire:"Come forth, monsters, and exterminate this brat!"

The moment they were on me, I transformed with an explosion, killing them all.

Arfoire:"W-What is this!?"

Me:"This is your plan failing. So what now? Any plan B?"

I thought she would have been shocked, or maybe angry, but instead she seemed amused.

Arfoire:"I this is it...wery well then, let's see what you can do."

She summoned some sort of weird spear. I went in my stance and I was ready to fight when...


A burst of wind went against her, but she jumped away in time.

Me:"What was that?"

Arfoire:"That move...could it be..."

???:"He, here's a face I didn't want to see again. What are you doing here old purple hag?"

The responsable of the attack was a girl with red hair in pigtails and orange eyes holding a big megaphone.

She wore very small black tube top under an opened white jacket with a bright orange, black, and white tie, a pair of pleated shorts worn with a pair of thin black suspenders, and also black fingerless gloves over a pair of orange and black sleeves, matching socks, black shoes and a pair of black leg warmers with buttons on them.

Arfoire:"So it was you. What a nuisance."

Me:"Who are you?"

She dashed at my side and pointed her megaphone at Arfoire.

???:"The name's Uzume Tennouboshi! Cool name, uh?"

Me:"Don't know. Anyway, I'm-"

Uzume:"Don't worry, I already know."

I stared at her confused. She pointed a device on her wrist.

Uzume:"Nepsy and Gearsy already told me everything that's going on. A pleasure to meet you, Y/Nsy."

Me:"My pl...Y/"

Uzume:"Yeah, it sound cool. And you're even a badass flaming skelington with a bike, chains and all the rest. You're very cool!"

Me:"If you say so..."

She crossed her fingers.

Uzume:"Of course! And now we can team up, and make the coolest pair ever!"

She then made a weird face staring the void while her voice became higher.

Uzume:"And then, like, Uzume and her new cool friend will become so popular that everyone would ask an autograph! And Uzume will be so happy that she and her new friend might go on a date!"

I stared at her, freaked.


She looked me confused, then she opened her eyes in shock.

Uzume:"Cough cough, yeah, I mean, hope we can work together, he he."

I just stared at that girl without being sure of what was going on.

Arfoire:"If you're done with chit chat, can we get a move now?"

I completely forgot we were in the middle of a battle.

Uzume:"Bring it on then! You'll go down like last time, purple hag!"

We got ready to fight, but she just laughed.

Uzume:"What are you laughing about?"

Arfoire:"Who said I was to fight you?"

Me:"What do you mean?"

She snapped her fingers and an horde of monsters appeared.

Arfoire:"Aaaaaah ha ha ha ha! Have fun to face them!"

Me:"I'll burn every monster that you make!"

Before I could go, Uzume grabbed my shoulder.

Uzume:"Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Me:"How come?"

Uzume:"Before I came here, I sent my friend Umio to ask for help. They should be here in few seconds."

The monsters started to go against us, but they vanished in a flash.

No, two flashes. A pink one and a purple one.

Uzume:"Told you."

Arfoire:"How can this be!?"

Two figures were floating where first were the monsters.

???:"CPU Purple Heart has arrived!"

???:"And the CPU Candidate Purple Sister is here as well!"

 A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol. 4: Meeting A New Enemy (x Hyperdimension Neptunia)Where stories live. Discover now