Chapter 26

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The night passed fast, and the day came.

I slept a little after the chat with Ghost, that only left more question.

The power I used was something of Heaven. But I was a spirit of vengeance, not of redemption.

Beside, I became the Ghost Rider because my blood was fused with the blood of a yoma, a demon.

So why could I use holy power if I was half demon? It had no sense.

I wanted to know so bad, I would have done everything.

But maybe it would have been better if I never found out the truth.

But let's go with order.

When I woke up, I was greeted by Nepgear, who was a little sad that I had to leave.

While I was having breakfast, I noticed something wrong.

Peashy was playing with Nepgear.

Plutia was sleeping on the couch.

But I couldn't see Neptune anywhere.

I was staring at the void when Histoire came in.

Histoire:"Good morning, Y/N. I hope you rested well."

Me:"Yeah, yeah, well enough."

Histoire:"You seem distant. Is something bothering you?"

Me:"Well, not really but, do you know where Neptune is?"

She tilted her head.


She looked around and she placed a finger on her chin.

Histoire:"That's weird. She's usually here, eating her pudding."

Me:"...Is she, now?"

Histoire:"Did something...happen between you two?"


I thought about her visit, and the way I treated her.

It was like she was in front of me, with her saddened face.

Me:"...No, I don't see her from yesterday."

Histoire came closer, staring at me suspiciously.

When she saw no reaction, she turned back.

Histoire:"I'll see if I find her. Anyway, soon the others will arrive. When they'll be here, I'll activate the portal."

She then left the room. I looked down unsure. I knew I overdid it with Neptune, but was she so hurted to leave?

I looked at Nepgear. She didn't seem to know, otherwise she would have asked for explanations.

Suddendly someone patted my shoulder.

???:"Hey Y/Nsy, what's with the long face?"

I turned back to see Uzume and Umio.

Me:"Oh, nothing big. Don't worry."

Uzume:"Is it because you're about to leave?"


I rembered perfectly that I had to reach Hakoniwa Academy, but who knew how much time passed.

Uzume:"You know, I'll totally miss you."

Umio:"Yes, I'll also miss your company. You are the only male other than me."

Me:"I suppose..."

One by one, the others arrived, beside Gold Third and Big Neptune.

Vert:"Just so you know, the adult Neptune won't come. She said she saw a ultra-rare bug and she had to take it."

 A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol. 4: Meeting A New Enemy (x Hyperdimension Neptunia)Where stories live. Discover now