Chapter 5

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Me:"So this is Planeptune?"

I reached the city and was roaming a bit to get acquainted with the zone.

It was a big colorful place, full of big buildings and some parks around.

At the center of the city there was the biggest building, the Planeptower, where the CPU and the Candidate lived.

People were happily walking around, apparently with no worries.

It was beautiful.

Me:"I wouldn't mind to live here...but this isn't my home."

I kept going around with no goal in mind when I realized something.

I didn't know how long I would have stayed there, and I needed to find a place where to stay and to eat.

But how could I pay? I only had some Yen, and surely they weren't good.

I read that the money there were called Credits, but I didn't know where to gain some.

And there was an other thing.

I was exploring the city on my bike, without stopping, because I didn't want to be recognized.

Me:"What to do, what to do..."

???:"Hey, you there!"

I turned to my left. A girl was getting close to me with her bike.

She had green eyes long brown hair with a green ribbon on them.

She wore a large blue coat, a black shirt, black shorts and big blue boots.

Her bike was green, with three blue and white claws painted on both sides.

Me:"Yeah!? Can I do something for you!?"

???:"You have to come with me!"

Me:"Excuse me!?"

???:"Planeptune's oracle wants to see you, and I'll take you to her!"

I just looked her eyes widen.

Me:"Me!? Are you sure you're not picking the wrong guy!?"

???:"Impossible, lady Vert described you perfectly! Beside, you're a little famous now, you know!?"

Me:"I do!...Unfortunately..."

But that didn't mean I would have gone so easily in what seemed a trap.

I rolled the bike making a skid and went to left.

But when I looked behind, she was still chasing me.

???:"You'll need more than that to escape from me!"

Then I turned back completely and went against her.

???:"Hey, are you insane!"

She quickly turned right smahing against a pole.

I smirked at the scene. But I was sorry for ruining her bike.

Me:"Sorry for that! I mean it!"

???:"I swear the next time I see you I'll make you pay!"

But I was to far for her to reach me. So far that I didn't notice I left the city.

Me:"Great, now I can't even stay here. But who was that girl?"



I stopped the bike. In front of me was something I could say a blue slime.

The fact was that it had a dog's muzzle. Along with the ears and tail.

 A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol. 4: Meeting A New Enemy (x Hyperdimension Neptunia)Where stories live. Discover now