Chapter 23

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I kept going all speed to the warehouse in Lastation, where Vengeance was waiting.

During the ride I tried to talk with Ghost, but he didn't answer.

The sky was full of clouds, thunders hit around, surely Rei's doing, but I ignored them, letting the girls to handle them.

When I arrived to the warehouse, he was there, waiting in front of the gate.

I jumped out of my bike and went to him, slowly.

Vengeance:"Wow, so you actually came here. Gotta admit, I had some dubts about it."

Me:"Oh, how come?"

He looked me like if I was crazy.

Vengeance:"Uhm, hello? Did you at least see what's going on? If I were you, I would go to help your friends."

Me:"They don't need me. But you, on the other hand, are a better target!"

When I was a few of steps away from him, I dashed and kicked him, then with a roll I punched him at the stomach and made an uppercut.

Before he could fell, I grabbed him by his jacket ready to make an head-butt, but I noticed he was looking me shocked.

Vengeance:"Wait, are you truly here to fight me? Like, for real?"

Me:"Does it seems I'm enjoying a cup of tea!?"

Vengeance:"Even after how last time went for you? Wow, and they say I'm crazy."

Me:"Crazy? Maybe. A monster? That's for sure!"

I made the head-butt and punched him against the gate. He didn't show signes of pain.

Vengeance:"Monster? Have you ever seen yourself at the mirror?"

I charged a fireball and made him break the gate, making him rolling away.

I followed inside the building and he just stood up, removing some dust from the jeans like if nothing happened.

Vengeance:"Oh, where are my manners? You just entered in my home, allow me to greet you properly."

He turned to me and raised his arms.

Vengeance:"Welcome to the warehouse 13! Hey, it sounds great, it might become a great phrase. If it will, I want the rights of-"

Me:"Shut up!"

I threw him my chain like a whip, but he caught it in middair.

Vengeance:"Don't you know it's rude to stop somebody when he's talking?"

He pulled the chain making me fly at him and he smashed me at the floor with a punch.

He kicked me away destroying a pillar.

It hurted like hell.

But not like the previous time.

Me:'What does it mean?'

There was only an explanation to that: he was holding back.

Me:'He's just playing...he's uderestimating me after last time...this might give me a chance.'

I used my chains to grab his leg and threw him against a pile of boxes.

I didn't waist time and assaulted him with a gatling of chains, but when I stopped I saw he was inside a ball made by his chains.

Vengeance:"You know, it's funny you came here, but I thought you were smarter."

His chains moved away and he had a bazooka.

 A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol. 4: Meeting A New Enemy (x Hyperdimension Neptunia)Where stories live. Discover now