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I told myself not to go, but I didn't listen to my instincts.
I walked on the smooth tile floor and touched the flowers as I went by, the sweet scent making me smile.
The rain on the roof relaxed me even more and all the stress that was once consuming me lifted.
I stopped by the group of growing sunflowers and admired them. The petals were soft and I thought that if I handled one the wrong way it'd tear. They made me love the color yellow more, I was completely entranced by them.

I didn't even notice the spider dangling above my head, or when it fell on my bare arm. When I did finally look down and saw the light green spider on my arm, it bit me before I could swat it away.

That's all it took.
One bite is all it takes.
You can't take the bite back, it chose you.
I was chosen to live this fate.

Now I have no choice but to live up to it.

Manhattan's new hero might be just what they need.
Save the city.
Save yourself.


sunflower ~ agb:jjk Where stories live. Discover now