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every time i'm walking out,
i can hear you telling me to turn around.

Ariana was on her bedroom floor absolutely exhausted. Her suit was still on, the water that was on it now soaking the floor. Her mask was on the bed, also wet, and Miles was drying himself off with a towel. Her mom would be home soon so he'd have to leave shortly but he had to talk to her about what just happened. The city had calmed down slightly from the chaos that was just taking place, repairs being made to whatever was damaged. The streets would need repaving, buildings rebuilt, signs put back up. It would take a few weeks but New York had seen so much worse than that. They were so used to having things destroyed by heroes and villains that it didn't phase them as much anymore.

"Do you want to try to explain what just happened or do you want me to?"

"Go for it." Her voice was mumbled by the towel over her face.

"Kyro. Jungkook being there. What the hell was that?"

He groaned and laid on the ground next to her. His back was still kinda sore from hitting the brick wall but was healing. They sat in a moment of silence again.

"So we have a new bad guy to put up with? He hates you more than he hates me. His goal appears to get rid of us but why didn't he do it then? He ran off. He's the one you encountered on the street and had absolutely no idea what he was up to." Ariana said eventually.

"That's what I don't get. When I met him for the first time he didn't look like that at all. He looked like an everyday person, a tourist even. Something changed and something changed drastically. I can't believe it was him."

"He had the strength to kill us both but he just.. didn't. What could've happened to make him run off like that?"

Miles sat up and put the towel around his neck this time. "Did you notice how he grabbed his head? He looked like he was about to faint or was in severe pain."

Miles was right. While Ariana was distracted by both Miles and Jungkook, Kyro was on the brink of fainting. He had went several hours without one of those injections and without them he became lightheaded and weary. It even caused a severe migraine that could've knocked him out.

"So you think he's taking something to get his strength?" They were on to something.

"He has to be. That's why he seemed so weak all of a sudden, he was going through withdrawals. That wasn't his true self, I bet he's just an everyday person until he takes those injections or whatever you wanna call them."

Miles was right. Without those injections Kyro looked like an everyday man to anyone that passed him on the street. When he walked into his work place and disappeared into his laboratory no one suspected a thing. In his small lab was where he used spiders as test subjects. Created and worked on medications. No one ever gave him a second glance at what he was doing. How quickly he was able to transform into a monster was shocking.

"How do we use that against him?"

"We find out what he's taking, and give him a dose so big it'd make him drop right then and there." Miles said it like it was obvious.

"And how do we do that?" Ariana was on board with what Miles was planning, kind of. Hesitancy lingered in her voice.

He held up his left wrist, a screen popped up immediately and typed something on it that revealed a drone flying underground. His suit was so high tech thanks to Hera; she couldn't help herself. He pressed a button and a familiar face popped up. Her hair had some cute barrettes in them and her makeup looked flawless even through the hologram. Ariana noticed she had a nose piercing this time, it suited her.

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