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i know i always come and go,
but it's out of my control.

Ariana didn't go to school the next day, wanting to take a break from everything for a day. Around lunch time she called Miles and told him what she did last night and he said he'd come over later. Whether or not it was a mistake was undecided at the moment. The bracelet was something Hera had sent to her a few days ago when Ariana contacted her asking for it.

Earlier that week

"Hera? Can we talk?"

"Yeah girl! What's up?"

"I need to ask you a favor."

This perked Hera's interest. "A favor huh? What can I do for you?"

"I need you to make something for me. I need a bracelet of some kind that when another person wears it they can contact me if they need me. Something that has a button on it and when pressed it alerts my suit."

Hera was always making stuff like this so she was already working on blueprints. "A bracelet. Something that looks normal but isn't. You want your logo on it?"

"Yes. Have the sunflower be the button. I want to give it to a friend of mine."

She knew who the friend was but didn't say anything. "Alright Ariana you got it. I'll have it to you soon, thanks for giving me something to do I've been bored lately. By the way, I have that injection thing ready."


"Do you not know me? Girl, I always work my ass off."

A few weeks ago Hera was currently in the process of making a serum that would stop Kyro completely. She had been in contact with both her and Miles as she made it and it was ready for them to use. It would be soon on its way to her apartment where she'd use it the first change she got. That's why she hesitated on asking Hera to do something else, didn't want to tire her out. It was her job though so she didn't mind, it kept her busy.

At first Ariana thought Hera wouldn't agree to it. She felt bad to ask for it but she thought it could be really useful in the future. It provided extra protection to her best friend when she wasn't around which was something she thought was necessary. Hera understood, she was in a similar spot at one time. She reassured Ariana that it was okay and that she'd send the bracelet as soon as possible. Now it was sitting on Jungkook's dresser.


It was after school now, around five. Miles was currently on his way over and this time he was driving instead of swinging. Even though he loved his job more than anything, he loved being able to act like a kid every now and then. Being able to drive places without being in any kind of hurry was relaxing even with the crazy New York traffic. She knew when he got there he'd probably be either really confused or really mad at her which was completely understandable. Last night's actions were more than likely a mistake.

It was.

Ariana was sitting on the couch in the living room with a small bowl of chocolate covered peanuts and her cat purring on the pillow next to her. She was reading a new book she had never been able to get to until now when a soft knock came from the front door.

sunflower ~ agb:jjk Where stories live. Discover now