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every time i'm leaving on you,
you don't make it easy, no no.

The next morning
Thirty minutes before school starts

"There's no way I'm gonna be able to make it on time!"

"Then why'd you go?!"

"Because who else is gonna do it Miles?"

Ariana was woken up at the crack of dawn by a trail of blaring sirens going down the road. There was a hostage situation happening at a local bank and she knew what was about to happen if she didn't do something. She was now Sunflower as she landed on top of the bank while trying to get her plan together. The earpiece in her ear was black with a tiny sunflower on it, much like the one she had for Miles. Hera thought it'd be cute for them to have matching earpieces so she included it with the suit. There were multiple police cars surrounding the perimeter of the bank along with cops going around it to see if anyone was trying to escape. Six robbers were holding some workers hostage as they tried to break into a large safe and luckily one was able to call the police without anyone noticing. She found a vent opening on the roof which gave her access to slide in without making a single sound.

"You tell me to let them handle it while you're literally-"

"Your dad is a cop! That's completely different!"

"Just crawl through the vent until you see an area for you to drop into. One should be coming up in about thirty seconds."

There were cops using a speaker to try and lure them out by giving threats but none of them moved. Someone was crying as they typed in the passcode to unlock the safe, her shaky hands making it go by slower. They were in an area by themselves so the rest of the robbers couldn't see them or what was going on. Ariana found the drop off entrance and removed the cover in one quick motion. One of the men was about to hit the woman but stopped when he heard something above him. Looking up, all he could see was someone falling straight down on top of him.

Sunflower tied his hands up in a web and moved him to an area no one could see him in. She also guided the woman away and hid her in a room while she got everyone else. They were dressed in all black with cloth hiding their mouths, stupid enough to have their backs to her.

"I find all of this kinda unnecessary."

Everyone turned around and pointed their weapons at her. Two grabbed a worker and held them against them so she could see them struggle. She was leaning against the front counter and took a peppermint from a jar. She threw it up in the air and caught it.

"Get out! If you try to stop us I swear I'll-"

A web flew over his mouth that stopped him from talking anymore and she got the guy next to him in a web, tossing him into the one that had the web over his mouth like bowling pins. They both fell to the ground which caused the worker to get free. Sunflower yelled for them to get to cover which they did without thinking twice.
The other three tried attacking her but she caught one trying to run away and dragged him back to her, kicking him in the stomach. She then knocked another one's feet out from under him with a swift kick of her leg and trapped him against the front counter. The last one was able to hit her in the head but thankfully she didn't feel it and kicked him back so hard he flew across the room. When he hit the wall a web held him in place like a painting. They were all tangled up in webs so she was able to get every single worker out without a hassle. The bank was covered in webs from her flying everywhere but it wouldn't be that hard to clean up. She was able to slip out without gaining much attention from the large pool of people outside.

sunflower ~ agb:jjk Where stories live. Discover now