Chapter 21

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Knock! Knock! I hear someone pounding on my door, making earsplitting booms. Is something wrong?
“Time to wake up, Ella!” someone yells.
Oh, jeez. I’m so thankful that nothing’s wrong. But why is someone waking me up? I don’t want to get up, but I know I have to. Today is New Student Orientation, and the last flight of new students is landing at 10:00. I begin to think about Adam- we are going to see each other today! I rise from my bed and open the door to see who knocked. It’s Polina.
“Good morning, Ella!” Polina beams as I groggily trudge up to her.
“Good morning,” I sigh and yawn.
“Hurry up and get dressed, the breakfast buffet opens soon.”
“Okay. I’ll be ready in about 20 minutes.”
Once I am done getting ready, I find Polina in the girls’ lounge and we go to the cafeteria, where many girls and boys stand in line with empty plates and hungry stomachs, waiting serve themselves.
“So, this is where you’ll go for your meals each day. Unless you want to eat the food in your dorm, which some prefer,” Polina tells me.
Finally, we reach the buffet of food. Decadent looking Russian pastries and breads are on the left side, an espresso and juice machine is in the middle, fruit, oatmeal, and yogurt are in the back, and scrumptious eggs, toast, meats, and cheese are on the right side.
As I make my way through the breakfast buffet, I pile fruit, eggs, and yogurt onto my plate. Polina goes to chat with some other skaters, while I go to find a seat. I stroll through the room, trying to pick out the best table to sit at. After a while, I find Sarah, Claudia, and Polina sitting down at a table next to the entrance doors.
“Hey, Ella! Over here!” Sarah yells, motioning me over to her table.
I sit down and started munching on my breakfast. The jet lag has me feeling tired and famished, so eating a hearty breakfast today is like winning the Olympic gold medal. The food is exceptional.
“What are your feelings about Russia so far, girls?” Polina asks all of us.
“I like it. It’s definitely different from life in Canada, considering nobody speaks French anymore,” Claudia says.
“What about you, Ella?”
“I think it’s pretty exciting, so far. Everyone’s welcoming, and it’s nice to have a different way of life from what I’m accustomed to in America.”
“I’m glad you girls like it!” Polina claps her hands together.
Right after I finish my breakfast, I see Tatiana come up to the front of the room to make an announcement.
“Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please?” Tatiana asks.
Silence roams around the room, and all eyes are on Tatiana now.
“Welcome to FSA School of Moscow. I hope all of you are enjoying your experience here so far. I am excited to welcome all of you who are here with us this morning, and I am excited to welcome the rest of the new students here at our New Student Luncheon this afternoon. Our orientation will begin with a special video created by your fellow figure skaters and instructors here at FSA School of Moscow. Next, we will tour you around the entire campus. Then, we will discuss the handbook and code of conduct. Afterwards, you will have the luncheon. The rest of the day is yours. Thank you!”

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