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Taeyong's POV
The Archery Range


I'm the leader of the most powerful werewolf hunting guild in our land

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I'm the leader of the most powerful werewolf hunting guild in our land. We call ourselves, The Silver Spoons. I know it might seem like a ridiculous name, but it has a meaning behind it.

It's common hunger knowledge that one of a werewolf's main weaknesses is silver. It can kill them instantly, if shot in the right place. But our guild doesn't believe in using bullets and guns, seeing that they break our guild's Hunter Code. Our guild is special, because we use bows and arrows instead.

Our arrow points may appear to be gold, but that's just a deception

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Our arrow points may appear to be gold, but that's just a deception. It's made out of pure silver to deceive werewolves. Smart right? That's why we're called The Silver Spoons.

It's also common hunter knowledge that if a hunter kills a werewolf, especially with silver, they die and don't come back to life. Even with their impressive regeneration, it's impossible for them to survive something like that.

But anyway, back to my guild. There's six members, including myself. My friends Yuta, Jaehyun, Jisung, Taeil, and Jungwoo. They're all very skilled hunters, but they're also very different in their own ways.

First off, there's Yuta. He sometimes prefers to be called Nakamoto, but I'm usually the only one who calls him that. He's arguably the most handsome in our guild, but that's not important. He lets his dreams of love get in the way of his actual job, but if we encourage him enough, he's an absolute beast in the field of battle. He killed an entire army of werewolves by himself once, but I kinda think he might've lost some of his sanity in that battle.

Anyway, on to Jaehyun. He's not really a fighter like the rest of us, unless we need him. He's usually in the position of just being our healer. But he does like to practice with us just because he loves archery, and and because he's doesn't usually have to hurt or kill anything. He's really sensitive, but I find it cute sometimes.

Next there's Jisung, the youngest in our guild. He's the most....interesting, of the six of us. And he's also very...confusing. We can never truly tell when he's timid, or when he's going to do something completely badass. But he's also very intelligent and powerful. He took down a whole Alpha once. I was so proud of him that day.

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