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Taeyong's POV
Back at the Range


Nakamoto was the only one capable of driving the three of us back home

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Nakamoto was the only one capable of driving the three of us back home.

Although he was shot in one of his legs, both of his hands and arms were still intact. After we arrived back at the range, he did his best to help me and Taeil out of the car.

He yanked the arrows out of his leg and side, before throwing them down to the ground. He then opened the door and led us inside, trying to hide the limp in his step.

He led us to the infirmary, and began treating each of our wounds. He operated on Taeil first, since he still had arrows in his arms.

"I'm gonna pull on three, ok?"

He warned Taeil, grabbing the first arrow.

Taeil nodded, and Nakamoto slowly counted up. When he reached three, he yanked the arrow out, making Taeil flinch. He did the same for the second arrow, and Taeil hissed from the pain when he yanked it out.

"It doesn't appear that any of our nerves were injured, but let me make sure... Taeil-hyung, can you feel your arms?"

Taeil nodded at Nakamoto's question, and moved his arms around a little.

"Can you move your hands Taeyong-hyung?"

I nodded and moved them, wincing at the pain.

"Great. This shouldn't be hard then"

Nakamoto proceeded to suture each of our puncture wounds, including his own.

Afterwards he wrapped them in a self adhesive bandage wrap, and gave us each a pain killer to take, and a lollipop. This is actually the first time I've seen him this serious.

But either way, we don't know what to do after what just happened. Even though he tried to look like he wasn't bothered, I could tell that Nakamoto was still a bit scared. Taeil looked worried, but also sad, and I don't blame him. I would be surprised if he didn't feel that way.

As for me, I don't know what to feel. I'm highly infuriated of course, but I'm also confused. Why would they betray our guild just for some damn dogs...? I would've never suspected the three of them to do something like that, ever. But, the looks in each of their eyes is something that I'll never forget.

Hostility. Valor. And surprisingly, sorrow.

Though they seemed to have no problem injuring us to protect the enemy, they seemed to do it with a heavy heart. Still... That doesn't change what they've done.

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