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Mark's POV
The Next Day
Archery Range


I abruptly woke up with a jolt, finding myself unfamiliar with my new surroundings.

This isn't my house, and this definitely isn't anywhere near the fields.


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"Where...am I...?"

I quickly got up to find out where I was, but I realized that I wasn't feeling any kind of pain!

I remember that Taeyong cut me deep with his dagger, and then he shot me. But I'm not feeling that pain like I did before.

And I didn't have on any of my clothes like I do now!

I raised up my shirt, and my wounds from before were completely gone! Not even a scar was left behind! And when I touched them, they felt like the rest of my undamaged skin!

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I raised up my shirt, and my wounds from before were completely gone! Not even a scar was left behind! And when I touched them, they felt like the rest of my undamaged skin!

I looked around more, and I finally noticed Donghyuck asleep on a couch opposite of mine. I immediately ran over to him, to make sure that he was still breathing after everything that happened.

Thankfully, he was. I was so worried after I got shot...

Then I noticed that he too was wearing some of his clothes that he bought a while back.

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