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Mark's POV


"I'm so sorry Mark

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"I'm so sorry Mark... This is all my fault... If I would've just stayed away, this wouldn't have happened to you..."

Donghyuck apologized, as we sat alone in his room.

"Hyuck, it's not your fault. The only thing that matters is that you still cared about me, even if you were in that state"

"But, I ended up getting you separated from your family..."

"But that's ok. I can still visit them. And their glad that I actually found a friend"

"What do you mean?"

"...I've never had an actual real friend before"

I sighed sadly.

"I'm really your first one?!"

He asked with shock, and I sadly nodded before he suddenly put his arm around my shoulder, and pulled me closer.

"In that case, I won't ever leave your side~"

He cheered, smiling brightly.

"Thanks Hyuck~. By the way, why did you suddenly attack me when I came to hang out?"

"Oh. I probably wouldn't have, but when I saw you with all of that silver jewelry, I kinda lost it..."

"Oh! But it's not real silver~"

"Wait, what???!!"

He asked with shock again.

"Yeah~. It's actually costume jewelry. I'm allergic to real silver"

"Really?! That would explain why they didn't burn me when you wrapped your arms around my neck!"

"Speaking of your neck, how'd you get that scar? Did it happen recently?"

I inquired, pointing to the huge scar that went all the way across his throat.

"Oh no, it happened the day I found you. After we went our separate ways, a werewolf hunter sort of held me hostage, and he had a silver dagger. He held it up to my throat, and it apparently started to burn through my skin. Johnny-hyung and Sicheng-hyung saved me before he could do any lethal damage though"

"Really?! It looks so new though!"

"That's the life threatening problem that I live with everyday now. I went to sleep on the way back here that day, and Doyoung-hyung tried fixing me, but no matter what he made or what he put on it to heal it, the wound just kept opening up. Not even stitches would work. So he put protective wraps around my neck until further notice. Then one day, Doyoung-hyung made something that actually closed it up, but only for a limited amount of time, a few weeks at the most, before it would start to open up again. So if we don't continue to put it on the wound faithfully, there's a possibility that it will completely open up. Doyoung-hyung thinks that if it does, I'll have a lot of trouble breathing, and I'll eventually bleed to death if it's not treated immediately..."

He forced a smiled to try to make it seem like he was ok, but he knows that he's not.

I can tell that he's scared because of his condition, and I don't blame him either...

"I'm sorry Hyuck... It's my fault..."

"Huh? How?"

"If I hadn't gotten lost, you wouldn't have had to help me, and you wouldn't have gotten hurt... It's because of me that this happened to you..."

I explained, stressfully running my hands through my hair.

I could potentially be the cause for the death of my only friend...

"Mark, look at me"

He ordered, so I did.

He cupped my face with his hands, and gently kissed the tip of my nose. He softly smiled at me after he did.

"It's not your fault Mark. Don't blame yourself for what happened to me. I just should've been more alert of my surroundings, that's all. I was more than happy to help you that day, and I'll continue to always be there for you~"

He smiled and pinched my cheek, making me blush.

"Awwww, so cute~"

"Yah, get off me~"

I teased and gently pushed him away.

I found the necklace that I was supposed to give him earlier, and put it around his neck. It was fake silver like mine, so it didn't hurt him. He smiled and thanked me for his gift after after.

"Donghyuck-hyung~! You and Mark should come fishing with me and Jeno-hyung~!"

Chenle hollered from outside the room.

"Come on Mark! I might actually catch a pike this time~!"

Donghyuck cheered as he pulled me up.

Maybe this family will be just as good as my last one. And besides... He's just so cute, especially when he's excited.

"I'm coming, don't worry~"

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