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Mark's POV
Kun's House



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"Mark~. It's time for school~"


I sleepily made my way to the bathroom to get ready.

If I don't hurry up, the others will probably get mad at me again. But I can't help how I am. I don't want to end up hurting myself, again. The last time they rushed me, I broke my arm falling down the stairs.

I've always been prone to hurting myself, that's why I stay away from people, except for a select few: my friends, or rather my family. Jaemin, Renjun, Kun, Chittaphon, and Yukhei are the only ones that I stick to like glue. We all live together in Kun's house, and he loves and takes care of us all. But he has trouble sometimes, and not just because of me.

First there's Jaemin. He's constantly bringing bugs into the house to try and scare us, but it only makes Kun and Chittaphon mad. Other than that, he's always complaining to us about his die-hard fans at school. You'd think he'd love the attention, but practically everyone is in love with him, and he has to get a lot of therapy because of it.

Then there's Renjun. He has OCD, so he's constantly obsessing over any and every little thing that isn't to his liking. Not only that, he seems to always be depressed about something as well. But his great academic standing makes up for it.

Then there's the one that brings the most trouble, Yukhei. He's a complete nutcase most of the time. He's always getting into trouble, especially when it comes to getting himself put in the hospital. Even though he breaks himself a lot, he recovers super quickly. And he may use manners with everyone else, but not with Kun. He really thinks Yukhei is a pain sometimes.

There's also Chittaphon, but he prefers to be called Ten for some reason. Everyone calls him Ten apart from Kun, since he likes to call him by his actual name. His overconfidence and bad attitude often upset Kun, and they're almost always at each other's throats. He doesn't like to sugarcoat anything, and he'll tell the truth without hesitation, even if his words hurt a lot. 

But Kun is completely different. He's very gentle with us, and his choice of words. However, he is a bit cowardly and sometimes breaks down in his fights with Ten. No one can get away with anything because Kun notices everything, which is good for me so I don't get hurt.

He favors me the most, mainly because I'm the only one who agrees with him that he's the father figure and Ten is more like the mother figure. I'm ok with him liking me the most actually. I get into less predicaments that way.


At the School



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