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Doyoung's POV



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I held my hand up to him, and he stared at it before he curiously sniffed it.

It's almost as if his demeanor changed completely after he recognized my scent and he licked my hand, proceeding to happily pant like a puppy.


Jeno was in complete awe at how much Hyuck had changed.

He turned to face Jeno, and held his fist up to him. Jeno immediately smiled and gave him a small fist bump.

"You may look different, but you really haven't changed at all Hyuck~"

Jeno pet him, and he let out a small satisfied howl.


We heard Renjun's voice sounding a little scared.

Mark was currently staring at his paws, and examining himself in a terrified manner. Hyuckie walked over to him, and licked his cheek to calm him down.

They stared at each other for a few seconds, and Mark actually licked him back. They began chasing each other and played together inside the room, being careful not to knock down anything.

"They may look scary, but they're acting like puppies..."

Renjun mumbled.

"I think it's kinda cute~"

Jeno added.

"Looks like Donghyuck found his match"

Hendery suddenly stated.

"What do you mean??"

I inquired.

"It's very rare for a werewolf to befriend someone that was once a human, let alone accidentally turning that said human into a werewolf in the process. I would've expected Mark to hate him, but I guess it's not only the werewolf in him, but also their friendship and bond that's kept them together. They're practically perfect for each other"

He explained.

Hyuck has always wanted a friend like Mark. Even though they've been through some hardships so far, they're still inseparable.

He finally got his wish~.


Minutes Later


Ten suddenly burst into the room with the rest of my pack, bringing Mark's and Hyuck's playtime to a hault.

"Every werewolf in this place needs to run!"

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