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Kun's POV
1 Hour Until Wolf Day


The eighteen of us quickly gathered around the fire to formulate our gameplan

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The eighteen of us quickly gathered around the fire to formulate our gameplan.

Johnny informed us hours ago that at midnight sharp, they will completely shift into werewolves, and that they won't be able to change back until midnight sharp the next day.

With that information, we began our discussion immediately.

"The Crimson Fields are half a day's away, so we'll have to leave as soon as midnight hits"

Johnny announced.

"So that's why you asked me and Chittaphon to take naps today"

I analyzed.

"That's right. I'm assigning you both with the mission of driving us to the field. Most of us are wolves and won't be able to drive after midnight. With that in mind, since we only have two cars on hand, I've assigned a traveling arrangement"

"Lay it on us hyung"

Jeno blatantly stated.

"Chenle, Jeno, Xiaojun, Hendery, YangYang, Doyoung, Sicheng, and myself will be riding in the first car with Ten as our driver. Donghyuck will ride in the passenger seat"


Chittaphon silently answered.

"Jisung, Jaehyun, Jungwoo, Jaemin, Yukhei, and Renjun will be riding in the second car with Kun as their driver. Mark will ride in the passenger seat as well"


I answered as well.

"When the time comes for our battle, you'll each be equipped with your own weapons"

"But hyung! Won't most of us besides Jisung, Jungwoo, and Jaehyun be at a disadvantage because we're human?!"

Chittaphon questioned.

"Not necessarily. Taeyong, Nakamoto, and Taeil-hyung are just as human as most of you. However, they only seem more threatening because they're skilled archers. But that can be worked around"

"How hyung??"

Renjun curiously inquired.

"The five of you that aren't experienced in fighting have two options on the table. You may either wait in the car, or you may fight with us, from the shadows"

"From the shadows?"

Johnny nodded at Jaemin's question, and passed out five blow darts to the five of us, as well as protective armor.

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