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Doyoung's POV
1 Day Until Wolf Day


"Hyung~! You're awake~!"

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"Hyung~! You're awake~!"

I had already woken up due to the sun's rays, but now I'm even more awake thanks to Yukhei and his enthusiasm.

"Nice to see you too Yukhei..."

"We were all worried about you hyung! We thought you would wake up last night..."

He carefully helped me sit up, and gave me a glass of water to drink.

I kindly handed it back to him after drinking some of it

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I kindly handed it back to him after drinking some of it.

"Thanks. And I'm sorry that I worried you all... W-Wait. What happened to the others?!"

"We're all doing fine hyung, don't worry"

Sicheng walked into the room as if on cue, alongside Johnny, both smiling after seeing that I was awake.

"Sicheng... Johnny-hyung... Y-You're both ok~!"

I jumped out of bed to hug them, but I accidentally tripped and fell over.

Luckily, they both caught me in time before I fell all the way down.

"I'm so glad that you're both ok~!"

"We're really happy to see you're feeling better too~"

"We brought you some ramen that Kun-hyung made"

Sicheng sat me down, and Johnny handed me the bowl of noodles.

However, there was definitely a bit more broth than noodles.

"This seems a bit more like soup than noodles to me hyung

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"This seems a bit more like soup than noodles to me hyung..."

"Sorry about that~. Kun made sure that there was more broth in the ramen to help you get better faster"

"I see... By the way, the broth seems a bit thick too? Why is that?"

I questioned, examining the ramen further.

"O-Oh~. Don't worry about that hyung. It's a very good recipe that Xiaojun recommended. We all had some earlier, and it's really good~"

I was a little hesitant to taste it, but I'm glad that it actually tasted good.

"Oh wait! Isn't tomorrow Wolf Day?!"

"Don't worry about that Doyoung. We're all going to come up with a plan tonight"


"By the fire. Not only because everyone will be able to gather up together without being congested in a small space, but also because it's cooler to have a meeting that way"


"So finish your ramen, and get some more sleep until then"

Johnny kissed my forehead before leaving the room.

"So, how's everyone else doing...?"

"They're doing fine. Everyone's injuries have been treated, Mark and Donghyuck worked things out between each other, and Jeno and Chenle are doing fine even after witnessing everything that happened"

"That's good. I hope everything works out tomorrow. Taeyong-hyung, Yuta-hyung, and Taeil-hyung are really nice guys in my opinion"

"You know, they seem really nice to me too. Taeyong-hyung really hates our kind, but I can't imagine what happened to him to make him hate us"

"I hope that we find out soon. I want to help him feel better as soon as we can..."

"Yeah, me too..."

Sicheng and I grew silent upon our sad discussion.

"M-Maybe it's not as bad as we think!"

Yukhei suddenly spoke up.

"Maybe he's just trying to protect his team and other people, but he's just taking it too far. I understand that werewolves have a bad rep because of the Night Howlers, but this is a new era. Mark is one of their descendants, and he wouldn't even hurt a fly. And now that Donghyuck is part Night Howler, they can both help Taeyong-hyung see that none of you mean any harm"

He does have a point.

I would've never expected him to analyze and understand this situation so much.

"Yukhei is right. We can only try to help hyung see the truth, while also keeping him and the rest of his team from killing us all"

Sicheng seemed more determined, thanks to Yukhei.

I finished eating and drank all of the broth from my noodles, and Yukhei happily took the bowl. He then immediately ran out of the room to return the bowl to Kun.

"Ready to go back to sleep hyung?"

"I guess..."

"Hey, don't worry hyung. We'll figure out the plan later, and everything will be just fine after that~. I'll come wake you up when the meeting's about to start"

He helped me lay down, and made sure that I was comfortable and covered before walking away.

"Thanks Sicheng. I'll see you in a few hours then"

"Right. Later~"

He left the room, making sure there wasn't too much light that got in to disturb me while I slept.

Still, I can't help but worry about everyone else...

"I hope things turn out fine..."

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