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Jisung's POV



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Hmph. Another bullseye.

"Wow Jisung-ah! That's your twentieth in a row!"

Yuta exclaimed, resting his arm on my shoulder as I lowered my bow.

"You're on a roll, and the day only just started! What's your secret~? I'm dying to know~!"

I didn't face him as I glared at him, but I sighed, knowing that he wasn't going to back off without some kind of answer.

"Let's just say that I have a little bit of...inspiration"

"Man, I wish I could be just as inspired as you! But alas~. There aren't any lovely ladies in sight to motivate me! If only there was one...~"

I just hummed as a response, not wanting to continue this conversation any further.

"Well, keep at it Jisung~. You're really doing great~"

He hit the back of my shoulder a little hard, almost causing me to stumble over.

I sighed, very annoyed by his bit of immaturity, and continued to practice.


Taeyong's POV
5 Hours | 2pm


Jisung has been practicing for way too long now.

At this rate, his body is going to give out on him. I tried to get him to take a break a few times, but even though he said he would, he just went right back to practicing whenever he thought I wasn't around.

He hasn't been the same since last night, and everyone is worried about him. I wonder if something happen when we split up. He couldn't be hiding an injury from us.. No, that's probably not it. His body would've given in a long time ago if that was the case. Something else must be bothering him.



He temporarily averted his attention from a humming bird he was looking at, and focused on me.

"You wouldn't have any ideas as to what's wrong with Jisung, would you?"

"Nuh-uh. But Jaehyun and Jungwoo were with him last night. Maybe they know what happened. I'm sorry that I can't help out though"

"It's alright. Thanks for the info-"

"Hey! Come back! I wasn't done admiring you~"

Taeil just ran off as I was thanking him to go after the hummingbird.

Bless his kind soul...


I eventually found Jaehyun and Jungwoo on the pateo, watching Jisung still going at it.

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