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Jeno's POV
2 Day Until Wolf Day


I woke up with someone in my bed with me, who turned out to be Jaemin

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I woke up with someone in my bed with me, who turned out to be Jaemin.

He helped YangYang take care of me yesterday, and he never left my side. Renjun, on the other hand, was in and out of the hut with Kun. He helped him bring back multiple foods, and other things that they thought would make us feel better, from the house. Every time he had a break, he would come to help Jaemin, even when YangYang finished treating me.

And now, I wake up to find Jaemin sleeping with his head on my chest, his arm laid over my torso, and one of his legs laid over mine. I gently wrapped my arm around him to make sure that he stayed comfortable in that position, and I smiled after I heard a small sigh come from him.

After a few minutes of laying there, I saw Renjun peep his head into the room. A smile appeared on his face after he saw me awake, and he entered.

"Morning Jeno~"

"Morning hyung. You're looking lively"

I smiled.

"So are you~. You're looking a whole lot better now~"

"I definitely feel better than I did yesterday. I had no doubt that you guys would pull through for us"

"And we had no doubt that you'd pull through and have a speedy recovery~"

"Speaking of which, how is everyone else?"

"Definitely better than yesterday, that's for sure. Johnny-hyung should be better by noon, and Doyoung-hyung should be better by either tonight or tomorrow. But aside from them, everyone else is doing fine. We were all just worried. Jaemin and I were especially worried about you and Chenle"

He suddenly got serious, and sat down next to me.

"I can understand why you'd both be worried about Chenle, but why me too?"

"As you already know, everyone has a soft spot for Chenle. He just has that irresistible charm, making it impossible to hate him. Believe me, I didn't like Chenle when I first met you guys, but as time went on, I began to see him as a friend. Seeing him so scared yesterday really hurt, you know?"


I nodded, understanding exactly what he meant.

"When it comes to you though, you mean a lot to me and Jaemin. There aren't too many people that like me, since I'm so cold all the time, and Jaemin doesn't like to cling to outsiders, since most people only like him for his looks. But, you're completely different"

"Because I still hung out with you, even when you were cold at times, and I hung out with Jaemin because of the person he is, and not just because of his looks..."

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