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Mark's POV


Hyuck and I continued running straight ahead, but stopped once we felt the field calling us from the right

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Hyuck and I continued running straight ahead, but stopped once we felt the field calling us from the right.

We waited for Kun and Ten to catch up, and then continued running to the right when they did. We ran straight again for a few more minutes, then turned left. Another few minutes later, we turned right again, and descended down a steep hill.

We descended for a short while, and finally made it back to solid ground. Hyuck and I ran off ahead of the others, while everyone that was fighting got out of the car.

After what seemed like forever, we slowed down when we felt the pulling feeling stop suddenly. We continued to walk the rest of the way, and finally made it to the Crimson Fields after a few more seconds.

'So these are the Crimson Fields

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'So these are the Crimson Fields...'

Hyuck analyzed the area, while I was lost in thought.

I don't know why, but I can't shake the feeling that part of me has been here before. But...the thing that's scaring me is that I've never even seen or heard of this place before.


"Would you like to hear a little story?"

We were both alerted by a voice that didn't belong to anyone on our team.

"Don't worry. I'm sure that you'll both find pleasure in it. It's a rather mythical story, worth telling to anyone who's worthy of hearing it"

We know that voice.

It's Taeyong...

I quickly ran over to Hyuck's side, to protect him from any incoming attacks.

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