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Kun's POV


"This is very bad! They're bleeding out, and the wolfsbane and silver is only making them weaker!"

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"This is very bad! They're bleeding out, and the wolfsbane and silver is only making them weaker!"

Ten panicked, trying to keep them awake.

"Chittaphon, you have to ask one of the Second Claws if there's a way to save them, and fast! They might be able to tell us somehow even though they're still wolves right now! You go to them! We'll make sure that they stay awake!"


He immediately ran over to them, while Taeyong and I stayed with Mark and Donghyuck.

Taeyong looked as if he really wanted to help, but at the same time, he didn't know what to do.

"Hyung, I know that this is a stressful situation for us right now, especially you. But you have to stay focused. Keep it together for us"

"I... I-I...."

"What is it hyung? Whatever it is that you wanna say, you can say it. It's ok"

"...I-I'm so sorry. I pulled the trigger, b-but it was an accident... I realized that didn't want to do it, but it felt like I was being forced to... A-And the force from the dagger made my hand tense up... I d-didn't mean it... I'm sorry......"

He broke down almost immediately after his explanation.

I get it now. He's been dealing with the pressure of carrying on his father's line of work for so long. He put his father's work before himself, to the point where he couldn't even think for himself, make his own decisions, or live his own life anymore.

I believe that's the deeper reason as to why he hated werewolves so much. It was because one killed his father, even if it was unintentional, and because of that, his free will was taken from him in an instant. At least, that's what he thinks.

"Hyung. I understand everything you've been through now, really I do. But, you never had to follow in your father's footsteps, or try to carry on his legacy. You didn't know it before, but you always had a choice. You never had to live your life in his shadow all of these years. That's why you hesitated to shoot. You never wanted this life in the first place, and you never wanted to hurt us. This is the first time, in so many years, that you're making your own decision..."

He nodded as I tried to comfort him.

I gave him a chance to calm down a bit, and then he explained himself further.

"Y-You guys are my friends... I knew that you all were nice, from the moment I met each of you at the school. I was so blinded not only by my father's death, but also by the expectations I knew that he had for me even in death. I completely lost sight of who I was, and what I really wanted. I was upset with Johnny-hyung, but I realize that he was only protecting his family. And I realize that none of you are at fault, especially not Mark and Donghyuck. But...it's my fault that they're dying now... Taeil-hyung was right... I'm regretting the actions that I've committed now......"

"Don't worry about it hyung. You've got to accept that you're not at fault either. Things happen for a reason, even your father's death. We just have to make amends and keep moving forward. We've got the materials to treat everyone here, including Mark and Hyuck. They'll survive, and so will the rest of us, together"

I held his hand, and he smiled, but this time, sincerely.

"Guys! Guys!"

Ten came running back, with what appeared to be a potion bottle.

It looked extremely familiar to me somehow.

"We've got to use this on them! It's the same potion that they used on Donghyuck's neck months ago! It can heal their wounds completely!"



Taeyong looked confused, but he was determined to help save them.

But when we were about to use the potion on them, we found a shocking sight from the two.

Their wounds had stopped bleeding and were closing up, and they were healing themselves too! But..this shouldn't be possible!!

"What the hell is going on?! How are they regenerating?!"

Ten shrieked.

"I don't know, but this is most definitely a good thing! It might have something to do with their lives being connected!"

"Their lives are connected?? Is that why Donghyuck got hurt whenever I hurt Mark??"

Taeyong questioned.

I calmed myself down a bit before explaining.

"That's right hyung. Months ago, when Donghyuck was still a full Nightcrawler, he bit Mark after he transformed. That's what awakened Mark's werewolf blood, but that bite also connected their lives, making them become one. So if something happens to one of them, the other would experience the same thing. And if one dies, the other dies with as well"

"I see..."

"H-Hey! Their wounds are completely healed, and they're breathing steadily too! It's almost like nothing ever happened!"

Ten alerted us, and he was absolutely right!

"W-Why aren't they waking up though...?"

Taeyong worriedly asked.

"They must've used up the rest of their energy to do this. We need to get everyone out of here and to somewhere safe to let them recover"

"...M-My guild's archery range is available. We have plenty of beds and supplies to help everyone. There's enough room for everyone to rest there. This will be my first way to atone for what I've done..."

Taeyong offered with almost no hesitation.

"Way to make your own decisions hyung~. Let's get the cars and get out of here as soon as possible"

"R-Right! It's four in the afternoon now. If we leave now, it'll take at least twelve more hours to get back. We should be at the range by at least three or four in the morning, depending on how fast we drive"

Taeyong explained, then ran off and got his car first and brought it to the field.

He stayed and watched over everyone, while we went to get my car and Jaehyun's car.

After we finally got back to the field, we carefully loaded up everyone in the three cars. Taeyong led us out of the Crimson Fields, and we followed him back to his guild's range.

Everyone will make it through this. I know they will, especially Mark and Donghyuck. When they're together, anything is possible.

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