Chapter 2

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London has got to be one of the busiest cities ever, excluding New York City. The streets are lined with cars beeping their horns out of annoyance, and bikes zig-zagging through them. The sidewalks are pretty much the same. People manuever this way and that to avoid bumping into one another. You have to admit, it is a great place to be in the center of. Every single place you can think of - bakeries, botiques, drug stores, libraries, anything, - you could walk to. I figured the coffee shop would be an easy place to meet and talk to some people. I walked in, grabbed a coffee, and sat down on one of their emerald couches, like the one from the show F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Oh god, I think I am the only one that would make a reference to that show. A few minutes later, a girl who looked about my age sat next to me.

“Hey,” she smiled and held out her hand, “I’m Charlotte.”

“Kelsey,” I said, shaking hands; she had a firm grasp for such a small girl. Her brunette curly hair was done in a very nice up-do, and it matched nicely with her pale pink blouse, skinny jeans, and ballet flats. With barely any make up on, she had remarkably flawless skin.

“You new around here?” she asked me, as she took a sip from her drink.

“I actually just arrived in London, literally, an hour ago!” I said

“Oh you’ll love it here. Everything you need is all right in the center of town! Where are you from?” She asked. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone so friendly.

“Virginia, a small suburban area in Richmond. I’m gonna be a freshman at Kingston this year.”

Charlotte’s eyes lit up, “Really?! I’m going to Kingston, too! I’m from Oregon, from a very boring and nor very happening town! Haha! What are you studying there?”

Ecstatic that I finally knew someone I may have classes with, I replied, “Nursing, Paramedic Sciences, and Physiotherapy. What about you?”

Charlotte looked surprised, “That’s a lot to study in one year! Well I’m studying Radiography as well as Nursing. Let me see your schedule, we may have some classes together,”

Pleased with myself that I thought about bringing my schedule with me, I handed it to her. She compared it to hers, and beamed at me, “We have 3 classes together!” Charlotte seemed as relieved as me to finally know someone from around here.

“Wanna do some shopping?” I asked her, “there’s a cute boutique I was eyeing down the street, and I saw a sale sign on the window!”

We both laughed, and walked side-by-side to the shop. It’s like we were made for each-other, we instantly clicked and became best friends. At the shop, we talked for hours about everything and anything - our childhood, school, friends back home - all while trying on (and buying) lots of clothes, which were really cheap and super cute! We exchanged numbers and finally headed back to our apartments. (She was boarding at Kingston)

I took the key out of my pocket, and unlocked my apartment door. I threw my bags on the couch, and finally got to unpacking some small stuff that I brought with me. I hung all the nice pictures around the rooms, and put a giant shoe rack on my closet door. Of course, being the loser I am, I had to hang up the One Direction posters around my room. Yes, I have been a, “directioner,” ever since I was 14, and while most of my friends grew out of it, I still loved all the boys, and their now pretty old music.

By now, they’re pretty much done making music. They didn’t split up as a band, but they’re getting to be a bit older and want to possibly finish college and start a family. Besides, they’ve made 7 albums, have had 21 singles to make it to the top 100 chart, and broke 4 world records.. that’s enough for a lifetime!

As I was taping my favorite poster to my wall, one of all the boys in nice suits, I heard screaming in the hall. Opening the door to my apartment, I peeked outside to see what was going on.

“WE ARE SO DONE, LIAM! DONE! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR SILLY GAMES AND FLIRTING WITH OTHER GIRLS!” I couldn’t make out the girls face, but you could see her mascara running.

“Babe, we can talk this out! A simple mistake doesn’t have to ruin our relationship!” I’d recognize that heavy British accent anywhere.

“That’s what you say every time, Liam! I am so done with you now. I can’t keep doing this to myself!” She then ripped something off her finger, threw it to the ground, and ran away.

“Babe, please don’t go!” the tall man cried. He then collapsed on his knees, leaned against the walls, and began to sob. He then saw me, and said, “I’m so sorry if I woke you up, I know it’s late..”

Holy shit. Liam flippin’ Payne, yes, from ONE DIRECTION, just apologized to me. I couldn’t spit the words out fast enough. “It’s ok, I was awake anyways..” I managed to also spit out, “Are you ok? Do you wanna come inside?”

He looked up at me. Oh god, his watery eyes were killing me. I just wanted to go snuggle him. He was never my, “favorite, “ of the band (Louis was) but I always thought Liam was the best looking.

His answer surprised me, “Sure.” he forced a smile and I let him in.

Holy frickin shit. Liam Payne was in my apartment.



"Babe, please don't go!" I screamed down the hallway at Danielle. I knew this would happen eventually. I'd do something that Danielle wasn't happy with, and it'd be the end of the world. I knew for months that it'd come to this, but i stuck it out because i knew breaking up with her would be a joke.

But still, just the thought that it was officially over made me weep. Like a little girl, crying in the hallway.

That's when the door in front of me opened, and the girl in the doorway looked at me.

She looked like Danielle.

Well, a little bit. She had fine cheekbones and dark, brown eyes that just sucked you in. She was average height, 5' 6" I'd say, and had a nice figure. Not gross skinny, but not chubby either. Even in a T-shirt, dorm shorts, and a messy bun, she looked flawless.

I was searching for words,  “I’m so sorry if I woke you up, I know it’s late..” i probably looked like a mess.

She didn't seem to mind, she almost looked sympathetic towards me, "It’s ok, I was awake anyways..” she said,  “Are you ok? Do you wanna come inside?”

I would feel like i was cheating on Danielle, being in another girls apartment, when i remembered i wasn't with her anymore. I took up her offer and stepped inside.

***AAAH! Is it exciting? This is my first fan-fic, so if there are any improvements i should make to it, please let me know! Inbox me, tweet me (AmandaStyles78) or e-mail me at ***

I'd like to thank Alyloves1D, she is my inspiration for this fan fic, cuz she is an amazing writer! I hope i can be as good and skilled as her one day!

I can't promise I'll update everyday, and I am going on vaca the 18th, and getting back the 26th, so I'll try to do LOTTTTS of updating before and after!

K bye loves!

~Mandy Xx

Dizzy's all it makes us. (A Liam fan-fic.)Where stories live. Discover now