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"Liam, can you grab my suitcase out of the closet? I asked my husband.

Liam came down the hallway and into the front room of our large house. I had been waiting for this day for so long, that my suitcase had been packed for a while.

"I'm gonna go get Taylor." he smiled, and jogged up the stairs.

Taylor was our 4 month old daughter. Ever since the first day as husband and wife, Liam had mentioned having kids. That's all he ever talked about. I had still been a bit unsure. When I saw how happy and gentle he was around kids, I decided to give in. When i finally agreed, Liam was so thrilled that there were tears streaming down his face. When I found out I was pregnant, he cried again.

He's spent more time with her than I have. I think he looks forward to waking up in the middle of the night when she's crying.

I saw Liam turn the corner of the upstairs hallway and make his was carefully down the stairs, with Taylor in his arms. She had the same color hair as Liam, and the same deep brown eyes.

I had to pry her out of Liam's arms to put her in her car seat.

After the long and uneventful plane ride, which thankfully Taylor slept through, we had finally arrived in London. Quickly grabbing out luggage and flagging down a taxi, we finally arrived at One Directions mansion. All of us,   Harry, Amanda, Niall, Gina, Zayn, Callie, Louis, Brianna, Liam and I had all planned to spend the week together at the mansion. We had all missed each other so much.

Like usual, Liam and I were the final ones to arrive. Not even knocking, we walked through the front door. Everyone must've heard us, because they came sprinting to the front of the house. None of them had seen Taylor, yet, so they all crowded around her.

Exchanging hugs took a while, because there were about 18 different conversations going around all at once. I even got to hold Zayn and Callie's daughter, Ariella, who was 7 months old.

After everything had settled, we all sat in the living room. Good thing there were about a dozen couches, because there were 10 of us, not including Taylor and Ariella.

For hours on end, we just talked. You'd think talking for an entire day would get boring, but by the time dinner came around we still had so much to discuss with one another. We were so used to telling each other everything, after spending every day with each other, that I felt like I needed to rush what I was saying, just to fit everything in.

For a few minutes, I blanked out on the conversations going on.

You know, a lot, much more than i had expected, has happened since I left for college. If you would've asked me 6 years ago what I thought I'd be doing right now, I never would've said I'd be sitting in One Direction's house, casually talking to them like friends. I especially wouldn't believe that I'd be marrying Liam and bearing his children.  I would've believed that I'd still be drooling and obsessing over them. All of this had spiraled from something so small. That first night in London. What if I wouldn't have opened the door? What if I would've arrived the next day? It just shows you that anything, even such a small thing like that, can create something so life changing. Sure, there was lots of tears and drama involved. I still wouldn't change a thing. Everything that Liam and I went through made our relationship stronger.

I still wear Jake's ring underneath Liam's, and I will forever keep my favorite picture of him in my wallet. I never expect to forget about him.  I'm always going to feel that pain. Eventually, Taylor will want to know about who's smiling in the picture, just days before his death. Sure, the cut could be healed, sewn up, covered up with a smile, but that scar is always there, just like the one that was still on Liam's face.  I've gotten used to remembering all the happy times we shared, instead of crying about that horrific night.

I don't know what will happen in the future. Will we have more kids? After Taylor grows out of the title, "baby," Liam will probably want another. We'll always spend time at this mansion together, because our friendship is too close of a bond to break. I haven't really planned my, our, future. I've learned to not try to control my life too much. Sure, I can steer myself in the direction I want to go, but I'll never take complete control. I've discovered, from experience, that sometimes the small things that aren't planned by you, but by life in general, are worlds greatest surprises.

I couldn't imagine life without Liam. He's like my other half. I don't think I've ever loved someone as much as I love him. It's like we were made for each other, like two puzzle pieces that fit together. You can search and search for that one piece all you want, but it's always those random chances you take that seem to work out.

I must've been grinning, because Liam looked at me curiously and asked, "What are you smiling about?"

I held his soft, warm hands in mine. Even just gazing into his vivacious brown orbs made me melt.

"You have no idea how much you mean to me, Liam." I told him.

Liam put his arm around me and whispered softly into my ear, "You're the best thing that had ever happened to me." before gently kissing me on the lips.

One thing that Zayn told me that I'll never forget is that you should enjoy the rollercoaster that is life.

Boy, was he right. There were ups, and certainly downs. There are those things that take you by surprise. You may not always enjoy it sometimes, but in the end you can't help but smile and be glad it happened.

** So this is the end of the story. TEAR TEAR. well here are some final notes:

Thanks for all the reads. Whenever anyone would tell me that they loved my fan fic, it would brighten my day.

This is my first fan fiction. It was kinda fun:) A lot of relief in finishing, but also a but of sadness that it's over:((

I AM planning on writing another! Leave me a comment telling me who you want it to be about!

I'm uploading an interview given to me by @smary27 (Twitter) after this.

This story does have meaning to it. Always remember that this could happen to anyone. Sure, there are millions of girls out there who would love to be in Kelsey's situation. Kelsey didn't try to make someone from 1D fall in love with her, she let love find her. Eleanor was just a fan when Harry set her and Louis up; Never let your hope fade.

As with the while Jake situation, that was put in there to show people, whether they broke up with someone they loved or lost them, that moving on is a good thing. Kelsey still loved Jake, but she knew she's never get him back.

Thanks for all the support!

Again, this story is dedicated to my friends: Mrs. Horan, Mrs. Horan/Hernandez, Mrs. Mailk, and Mrs. Payne<3

Thank you to Alyloves1direction for giving me so much inspiration.

For the final time in this story,


Dizzy's all it makes us. (A Liam fan-fic.)Where stories live. Discover now