Chapter 14

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The next morning, I woke up to the smell of pancakes just sneaking into the slightly ajar door. It made me think of the very first morning I shared with him, and the night I met him. I couldn’t help but smile as I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen.

Liam must’ve heard me, because he came over to me, gave me a kiss, and said, “Good morning, beautiful,” then he returned to cooking. “I decided to make breakfast.” he told me. I loved all the cute, little things he did that girls could only dream of boyfriends doing for you.

“I have a surprise for you,” he grinned at me mischievously.

“Oh god, I could only imagine..” I said to him. I was actually excited to find out.

“Well, I know you start school…..” Liam drew out the sentence, waiting for me to finish it.

“Monday. So….4 days from now.” I disappointed myself by saying that. Going to college meant all day at school, and any free time for studying. No time whatsoever for going out with Liam. It would completely suck. But, yet again, going to college here is the reason why I met Liam, so I guess it’s all worth it.

“So like I was saying, since you start school in 4 days, I decided to make one of your last days of summer a little….fun.” there he went again with that suspicious smile.

After we finished our lovely breakfast, which was even better the 2nd time, I went into my room to get changed. I wanted to look nice for Liam’s ‘surprise.’ First, I put on a white crop-top that said, “carpe diem.” on the front in teal, scripty, letters. I don’t know what it meant, but it seemed inspirational. Then I wore my favorite pants: bright teal jeggings. They were obnoxious and I loved it. Since it was kind of cool out, I put on my tan Uggs with buttons down the side. Didn’t really match, but whatever. I curled my hair a little bit, and put it into a high ponytail. It may seem useless to curl your hair and then put it up, but it looks like my hair is naturally curly, and I’ve always wanted curly hair.

When I walked out of my bedroom, I saw Liam sitting on the couch watching television. He was wearing a polo, tan cargo pants, and sneakers. I was going to mention that he was sporting Niall’s signature outfit, but I decided to just keep that to myself.

We walked out of the apartment and into Liam’s car.

“We can’t walk?” I asked him.

Liam shook his head. “It’ll only be about a half hour ride, though.”

All throughout the ride, I kept wondering what his ‘surprise’ could be. A new apartment? A fancy restaurant? No, he didn’t tell me to dress nice. A PUPPY? Oh my god what if it was a puppy?

I decided to keep my mind off the puppy, because that’s probably not what it was.

“Hey Liam, what does ‘Carpe diem’ mean?” I asked him.

He must’ve known I was talking about my shirt, because he looked at it and said, “I’m pretty sure it means ‘seize the day.’” he said, “Why would you get the shirt if you didn’t know what the quote meant?”

“I needed a shirt to match these amazing pants,” I said, pointing to my jeans. Liam turned on his blinker, and then I noticed where we were turning. It was a mansion, and when I say mansion, I mean MANSION. Fit for a king of a king. I had seen it before, I know I have. I recognized it.

“Liam!” I screamed excitedly, “this is One Direction’s house!” I was totally fan-girling him, and telling him it was One Directions’ house, like he had no idea, and he was just another ‘directioner.’

After noticing what I had just said, I corrected myself, “haha, sorry.” I could turn my face turning beat red.

Like I said, the band didn’t split up. They’re just getting older, and want to live their lives. You know, get married, start a family, go to college, stuff like that. Well, before they did that, they bought a huge - let me rephrase that - enormous mansion for all five of them to get together whenever they wanted. It was like a house they all shared, so they could still see each other.

It took a while to get down the long drive way, and finally made it to the entrance. It almost looked like the house Harry and Louis had bought. For years, I had went to sleep at night dreaming of entering this place. I was afraid to pinch myself, because I wouldn’t want to wake up.

Walking with Liam into the house, I noticed that all I was doing was staring in awe, with my mouth wide open. I decided that wasn’t attractive, so I stopped and acted like I walked into One Directions’ flat all the time.

That's when Harry, Louis, Niall, and Zayn came running down the stairs and exchanged hugs with Liam.

One Direction was standing in front of me.

The lamp next to me could've grown legs and walked away and i still wouldn't have noticed.

Holy shizzle-nits what is air.

**So, Mrs Horan, Mrs. Malik, and Mrs. Payne have been asking, more BEGGING ME, to incorperate the rest of the boys into the story. I thought it was too early, but i didn't want to hear it anymore. YOU'RE WELCOME.

Omg i have 241 reads. That's 242 more than i expected to get.

Thanks everyone, you can save the applause until the end.










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