Chapter 21

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I just cried and cried. More than I ever had when I found out that he was probably gonna die. Again, I felt overwhelmed with so many emotions. But, in this case, I didn't mind.

For months, I was convinced that Liam was on his death bed. For once in almost 3 months, I was happy. I wasn't faking the smile on my face.

Instead of planning my good bye speech I'd say to Liam, I found myself planning all the things we'd go out and do this weekend.

All in the middle of this, the doctor said, "we put him under anesthesia, so he'll be asleep for another few hours."

All 5 of us, the boys and I, were endlessly hugging. All of us were crying, too. We were all ecstatic and lost of words.


It was the longest 3 hours of my life.

I paced back and forth through the room, looking back at Liam every few seconds.

It took him about an hour to fully wake up. It started with simple hand jerks, and then he eventually started murmuring things to himself. I definitely heard him say, "Kelsey," a few times.

Eventually, Liam opened his eyes. You could tell he was shocked from the bright hospital lights. He looked tired, and began searching around the room. When he saw me, his eyes lit up.

"Kelsey..." he whispered softly.

I ran over to him, and fell on top of him. I held him as tight as I could, like he'd disappear if I let go. I began heavily weeping into his chest. I was comforted by Liam's hand slowly rubbing my back.


I saw her.


She was across the room, and looked horrible.

Not horrible as in ugly, but like she hasn't slept in days.

Her gorgeous brunette hair was knotted and in a ponytail. She was dressed in pajama pants and a t shirt, which was stained. Heavy, dark bags circled her blood shot eyes. She didn't look like my bubbly Kelsey.

Still, she was beautiful. It seemed like I've been sleeping for ages. I had dreamed about her. It was almost as if she was standing right next to me, whispering to me. I could even feel her kiss me.

Before I could remember that she hated me, I whispered, "Kelsey..."

I expected her to ignore me, but instead her eyes filled up with tears. She sprinted over to me and threw herself on top of me. It killed me to hear her helplessly sob.

That's when I noticed that I wasn't in my room.

I saw the 4 lads in the corner of the room. The walls were bleach white, and the lights were super bright.

I was in a hospital.

A doctor walked in, and explained everything to me. I had drank like crazy. I was a maniac. 2 months I was a pussy and didn't even try to breathe. I felt so ashamed that I had put my best friends and love of my life through such hell.

I was just so glad to see my Kels again.


I guess one of the mates went and got the doctor, because he arrived a few seconds later. The doctor explained what had happened. Liam looked ashamed and embarrassed when the doctor reminded him of his drinking incident.

It was the same procedure as when I woke up from my coma. About 1000 questions and tests were done.

Finally, after hours of explaining, 1000 questions, and getting used to walking again, he was released from the hospital.

His scar was doing much better now. Everyday I'd put the ointment on that would help It heal. Instead of it being a jagged, dark red line, it was a much cleaner, less red scar.

Even though he had slept for 2 months straight, Liam was exhausted. All 6 of us decided to go out and do something the following day, but that Liam and I needed some time alone.

When we got back to our apartment, it was like everything was normal again. It just wasn't home without him. The lights seems brighter, the pillows seemed fluffier, even the air smelled fresher. Everything was just better.

We didn't want to make dinner, watch tv, anything. All we wanted to do was be with each other.

Cuddling on the couch felt as god as it did 2 months ago. We discussed everything. He told me that Danielle forced him into kissing her. I forgave him. He told me that he heard everything i said to him when he was in the hospital. He felt all my kisses. Then, I asked him the question I've been dying to ask.

"Why wouldn't you try to breathe? Everyday they'd do a test, and you wouldn't."

Liam thought for a second, and then responded with, "I honestly don't know. The only thing i dreamt about was you. I guess I was so focused on you that I forgot to..." Liam's cheeks turned red from embarrassment.

I giggled a bit, "That was very mushy Liam."

The next time i looked at the clock, i was surprised at what time it was. I didn't even notice that it was 2 in the morning. Good thing the following day was Saturday.

Finally, we decided to go to bed. Liam didn't even go into his room, he just came straight to mine. It was no use, he ways ended up cuddled up to me anyways.

I was changing my shirt when Liam put his arms around my waist. He turned me around and softly kissed me. After a few minutes he began to move his hand towards my bra strap. I immediately froze.

Liam obviously knew something was wrong, because he stepped back like a whimpered dog and said, "I'm sorry babe. I shouldn't of rushed you into it."

I felt bad, it wasn't his fault. "No, it's ok. I just....I can't risk...err.." I was lost for words.

"I understand," Liam said, "all i want is to be with you." he truly meant it.

We got in bed, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He didn't try any more funny business.

Liam thought that I was a baby and wasn't ready for it

If he only knew the whole story

The truth.

****YAAAY HAPPY TIMES. oh yeah and jsyk, I will never write any of that gross sex stuff. I refuse to and will never. I just needed to add something so that you guys were reminded of her little secret. Thannks! Oh and what do you think her secret is? ;) ;)

-Amanda Stylezz<3

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