Chapter 29

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We got married that May. It's the perfect month for a wedding; the weather is beautiful and everything is in bloom. It was the greatest day of my life, one i had been dreaming about for years. One i had dreamed about during the coma, and one that i thought would remain only a dream. Now, it was real.

I slowly made my way to the podium, where Liam was beaming. He looked quite spiffy in a perfectly-fitted black suit. I took as much time as i could, never wanting this spectacular event to end.

Not to mention, my dress was almost as pretty as the wedding, itself. It was a basic, white, strapless gown that went to the ground .It was embellished with lace and incricite detailing. So simple yet so beautiful. I could honestly say that was the first day in my life that i felt pretty, and knew it, too.

The whole time while the priest was reading everything, i was honestly not even paying attention. I was too busy getting lost into Liam's gorgeous, deep blue eyes. The were like an ocean of beauty.

It was when i heard, "You may now kiss the bride." that i redeemed my senses. Liam leaned in slowly, and shared a warm, gentle kiss. I never wanted to pull away. Eventually, i had to.

For my Dad and I's dance, my father told me how proud he was of me, and that i had made a good choice. When it came for Liam and I's, the song, "Moments," began to play, and i found myself just staring into those intriguing eyes again. I wasn't even paying attention to the dance, so i kept stepping on Liam's feet. It wasn't a traditional husband and wife first dance, since we were laughing and sharing quick kisses inbetween, but it was simply perfect to me.

In the middle of it, Liam whispered to me, "I never dremaed of finding someone as perfect as you. You have no idea how much you mean to me, Kels. I love you."

I smiled back at him, "And i only dreamed about marrying you for years."

Liam giggled, "Was it everything you thought it would be?"

Before kissing him, i whispered, "And more."


Liam walked into the apartement door while i was sitting on the couch, looking at real-estate books.

He handed me my lunch, took a bite of his own sandwich, and plopped himself down next to me. We were in the midst of looking for a home to buy in America. I obviously wanted to live in America and so did Liam. We were looking at homes in Virginia, since Liam enjoyed it so much when we visited during that Christmas break.

Everything had been moved out of the apartment; the television, all my posters, the bed that Liam never slept in. Everything but the couch and the clothes we had on. It was horrible moving everything out. This apartment was the reason why everything was the way it was. I mean, what if i would've had the apartment down the hall? I probably would've never let Liam in that night, therefore never resulting in our relationship. 

I would miss Charlotte, too. She lived in Oregon; which was on the other side of the United States. Sure, we'd call each other, but after spending every single day hip to hip, talking on the phone just isn't the same.

The rest of the boys- Niall, Harry, Louis, and Zayn- would visit often, too. Besides, we'd still all visit their mansion often.

The next morning was an emotional one. I didn't want to step out of the apartment for the last time. I didn't want to look at the boring white walls for a final time. I didn't want to turn the corner and never see the infamous door ever again. Again, i felt tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. Liam held me and said, "Hey, this apartment was the reason that I'm here. Don't cry about it."

Liam was right, "Yeah...I know."

Closing the door, i walked quickly down the halway before i could turn around and change my mind.


Arriving in Virginia, we started looking at homes right away. Staying with my parents wasn't really my cup of tea. After almost 2 weeks of constant searching, we finally found one that was perfect. It wasn't enormous , where i'd get lost in it, but it was large. There was an inground pool in the backyard, and the beach was half a mile away. There was also a huge walk-in closet in the master suite. I was sold after those 3 factors.

Moving in took a while, too. Since the house was so big, we eneded up having to buy a lot of new furniture. Shopping for couches and tables isn't my cup of tea, either. The scariest part was sleeping at night. Every single noise i heard made me jump. Liam was always there to hold me, though. This bed was actaully big enough for the both of us, though. For four years, i didn't know what it was like to have my own space in bed, Yet again, I didn't mind.

Just like in London, we were enjoying every day with each other. After work everyday, we'd either go to the beach, into town, out to dinner, shopping, you name it. There was always a smile on our faces and never a break between the grasp of our hands. We never got tired of being around each other. Honestly, i think i'd go crazy without him by my side.

Again, I found myself truly and honestly enjoying life. Nothing ever ruined my day, because i always knew i had Liam to cheer me up. We were inseperable, one wasn't complete without the other.

I couldn't imagine life without him.


I know i said that this was the last chapter, but i lied. THIS IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER. NOT NOT NOT.

It's a short update, i know. But i prmoised Mrs. Mailik.

The next chapter will most likely be the last one, but no promises.

Following the last chapter will also be an extra long authors note, and another chapter with an author interview.

K, byee!


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