Chapter 19

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The ambulance had arrived a few minutes after we called. They came in with a stretcher and carried Liam out. He didn't appear to be breathing at all. 3 people were allowed to ride in the ambulance with him. Zayn, Niall, and I rode in the ambulance, while Louis agreed to meet Kelsey in the lobby at the hospital.

By the time the 3 of us made it into the back of the car, Liam had already been hooked up to a bunch of machines and had an oxygen mask held over his face by a paramedic.

The vehicle started flying down the street, and dozens of cars moved over for us.

We stood around Liam, watching him. He was breathing a bit, but not much. His arm or leg would randomly spaz every couple of seconds. Other than that, he was like a limp, dead body. He wasn't full of life like he usually was. I didn't know if he could hear me, so I didn't dare say a word.

They still didn't know what had happened. They knew it had to do with the alcohol, though.

When we arrived at the hospital, they took him into the emergency room, and ordered us to stay outside. They said we'd be updated as soon as anything happened.

Minutes felt like hours waiting out there. Every 30 seconds, I'd look up at the clock, thinking an entire day had passed. I tried to find anything to focus on. I was so desperate that I began to count the tiles on the ground, the number of steps every person would take while walking by me, anything but thinking about one of my best mates dying in the room next to me.

No matter what I thought, it

always stayed in my mind.


Somehow, I ended up in my car. I didn't notice what i was doing. I was still in too much shock to feel any pain, and guilt, any emotion whatsoever.

When I arrived at the hospital, I found Louis right away. His head was in his hands, and he was staring at the ground. When he heard the automatic doors open, he got up, came over, and hugged me.

That's when the flow of emotions overcame me.

So many of them overwhelmed me at once. A pang of guilt stabbed at my heart, knowing this had happened because of the pain i caused him. I began to bawl my eyes out while resting my head on Louis' shoulders. I wrapped my arms around him and didn't was to let go. I was already losing someone I loved by trying to let go.

"Shhhh..." he tried to comfort me, "They're operating on him right now to see what happened. They're keeping us updated." he softly whispered to me.

I just kept crying and crying. The tears wouldn't stop. I don't know where they were coming from; I eventually calmed down a bit

Entering the waiting room, I saw the rest of the lads. Harry looked at me. I just got lost in his eyes, those emerald spheres that drew you in. Remembering the way Liam looked at me, the waterworks began again. Harry got up and hugged me, just like Louis had. Even though I had known him for 3 weeks, and spent 2 weeks of them not taking to him, they all knew I was taking this the hardest. Especially since this is all my fault.

"It''s all my fault..." I wept into Harry's shoulder in-between tears.

Harry pulled me off of him, held me shoulders, stared into my eyes, and said, "This is not your fault, Kelsey. He got out of control. This is his own fault."

Nothing he could say could convince me. If I wouldn't of ignored him for weeks, if I would've just let him explain, he wouldn't of drank the way he did. He should be cuddling with me right now, but instead he's being picked and prodded with needles, fighting for his life.

Hours passed. it was 1 in the morning when they finished. They had done dozens of tests, and still weren't sure what happened.

"It seems like a mixture of things." the doctor told us," the alcohol caused him to go into cardiac arrest. We don't know what happened after that."

Liam couldn't breathe on his own, and was on life support. He was hooked up to a bunch of beeping machines with all kinds of lights and buttons. It wasn't a coma, but he wouldn't wake up. Every few hours, they'd take a test and see if he could breathe on his own. The doctor told us he was capable of it, but for some reason wasn't trying. He wasn't fighting for his life. The doctors didn't know why.

But I knew exactly why.

****Again, short. But I couldn't put so much drama into one chapter. I don't know a lot about this medical stuff, so let's pretend in happy pappy land that all that crap is correct!:)))


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