Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I didn’t know what to do, what to say. Everything was juggling around my mind. He was just a person, but a person I’ve been dreaming about since I was 14, and never imagined to have him in my home, let alone meet him. It’s not like I looked very flattering either. I had already changed out of my white, flowy tank top and shorts, and put on some gym shorts and a t-shirt. I hope he likes casual girls.

“I got you some coffee,” I said as casually as I could manage, “It’s not very good, but…” I said as I sat across from him. Oh god, I was fumbling for words. I sounded like a complete idiot. I hope he didn’t think I was fan-girling him.

He took a sip, “Mmm..I love strong coffee.” He smiled at me and took another big sip. I guess he wasn’t lying.

“Yeah, I’ve always loved it strong.” I tried to think of a way to continue the conversation, but the only way I could think of was asking him what happened, but I figured that’d be rude.

It’s like Liam read my mind, “Sorry about what happened out there. Danielle and I have been having some..err..relationship issues lately. It’s like were just out of sync. It was just little mistakes, things that wouldn’t matter if we trusted each other.”

I was never one for giving advice; I wasn’t the kind of girl that dated a lot, if you know that I mean. Sure, I’ve had boyfriends..but it was never too serious. “Well, maybe if you just talk things out with her, it’ll work out. If you truly love each other, everything will work out.”

Liam smiled at me. Holy shit, I thought I was melting. “I’m afraid that’s not a possibility. We were just on our way to the airport, we were supposed to go to Paris for the summer, and by now,” he checked his watch, “the plane should be leaving in about..3 minutes.” I could see a tear swell in the corner of his eye.

“She wouldn’t leave without you!” I assured him.

Liam held up one plane ticket, “She took the other.”

I felt so bad for him. He and Danielle had been going out since I began loving One Direction, so for more than 4 years. Fighting my fear -and my pounding heart - I got up, went and sat next to him, and put my arm around his shoulder. He didn’t even pull away.

He sat up *shit, I wish he would’ve stayed in my arms. Oh how stupid was I, he just broke up with his girlfriend, and im expecting him to want to cuddle me? IDIOT!!!* “I’m so sorry, with everything that has been going on, I never asked you your name,” he blushed.

“Kelsey,” I smiled.

“Liam,” he smirked,“ but I guess you already knew that.” I looked where he was looking, and saw that I left my bedroom door wide open, with all the posters hanging up. And how much more perfect could I have planned it: My giant Liam poster was hanging right on a spot where you could see it just by glancing into the room.

“Eeeerr…sorry about that.” I could feel my face turning bright red.

“A ‘directioner’ I see?” he smirked.

“I’ve always been a fan, and I still love your music…” god he probably thought I was a 13 year old girl.

“Well isn’t that a bonus for such a pretty girl,” Liam smiled at me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. **HOLY FRICKIN SHIT LIAM FRICKIN PAYNE JUST KISSED ME!**

“Do you mind if I crash for the night? I was kind of car-pooling with Danielle to the airport and…errr..yeah. I'd go back to her flat but i'm guessing i'm not welcome anymore......” He drew out the end of his sentance.

I couldn’t help but be that happiest person on the universe. “Sure,” I said a little too excitedly, “Well there’s two bedrooms, but the guest one doesnt have a bed in it yet,  so you could sleep on the couch or..err…” I mumbled the words, “in my bed….” I didn’t want to look up and see the expression on his face.

“Well no offence..” Uggh I knew I shouldn’t of mentioned the bed, “but the couch is kind of uncomfortable..” I looked up, and saw him smirking.

Grinning back, I caught on to what he was doing. “And no funny business, Liam!” I winked at him.

“Don’t worry Kelsey, I have a girlfr- oh wait never mind!” I was glad he was getting over the break up.

“You’re taking this pretty easily!” I said lightly. I didn’t want him to take it offensively.

“I knew it was pretty much over 2 months ago, but I held on, hoping it’s improve. Let’s just say, it didn’t. I’ve been considering myself single pretty much for the past couple of weeks.”

“Sorry to hear..” as we walked into my bedroom.

“That’s ok, now I get to spend the night with you..” there he goes with the smirk again. Does he want me to sleep with him? I can’t risk it, after what happened last time..

“I didn’t mean for that to come out sounding know..” he fumbled with his words. “I just really like you..and want to get to know you…” He then quickly spit out, trying to convince me, “That’s not why I wanted to sleep in here, I’m not like that, I wouldn’t sleep with you when I’ve known you for an” Was he nervous talking to me?

I laughed, “Liam, calm down, I know what you mean. That couch is as lumpy as fuck.” remembering the posters hanging in my room, “Sorry about the posters, it’s kinda weird being in a room surrounded by your own posters isn’t it?” He nodded, and I replied, “It just reminds me of all the memories I had with my friends, obsessing over you guys, jamming out to, “What makes you beautiful,” and my first concert I went to..”

We then got into bed, and I don’t know how I managed, but I ended up falling asleep. But before I went to bed, I prayed for an hour that I wouldn’t snore that particular night.



Dizzy's all it makes us. (A Liam fan-fic.)Where stories live. Discover now